School name: Gulgong
Other name: -
County name: Phillip
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Operating dates:
Type of school Opening date Closing date
Public School Feb 1868 Dec 1868
Public School Jan 1874 Dec 1943
Central School Jan 1944 Dec 1980
Public School Jan 1981 Open1
1880 Appointments
On 22 June 1880, Mr Donald Gollagher was appointed teacher, Miss Elizabeth Chaffer was appointed Mistress Infants Department and Mr Edgar Mills was appointed pupil teacher at Gulgong Public School2 .
13 February 1897
1899 Teacher Transferred
On 15 September 1899 Mr E Larcombe was transferred from Petersham School to Gulgong Public as Relieving Teacher4
On 15 September 1899 Mr E Larcombe was transferred from Gulgong Public School to Petersham Public School as Assistant5
__!!! 1905
5 February 1905__ Mr A P Lambert, Gulgong, member Public Service Association6
12 Jun 1907
29 January 1914
Qualifying Certificates.
Results of December Examinations
Names of Successful District Candidates.
We print today a list of the successful candidates who sat for the qualifying certificate examination in this and adjoining districts. All the candidates took the same examination papers as the city boys and girls. Under the Bursaries Endowment Act., the bursaries allotted by the board are divided in the ratio of school population. This works out, so that one-third of the Bursaries are given to candidates from Sydney and suburbs, and two-thirds of the bursaries go to the country districts. These bursaries and scholarships are tenable at the country high schools or the district schools, but the names of the successful bursars and scholars will not be available until next week.
Gulgong - Thomas Allan, Roland W. Bleechmore, Frederick A. French, Vera H. Gudgeon, Lance Lambert, Ida E. Sloman8
31 January 1921
Q.C. Examinations.
The following are the Mudgee and district passes at the Q.C. examinations, success at which Qualifies for entrance at the High Schools: -
Gulgong Public School. - Victor Maurice Davis, Edward John Davies, Ethel Grace Last, Ruby Henrietta Avery, Linda Florence Brigden, Mary Rushmere Baldwin, Arthur Ernest Boulton, Frank James Foster, Phyllis Elsie Hasenkam, Rex Huxley, Margaret Alice Jones, Ena Frances Jones, Eric Lindsay Johnston, Edgar Randall Last, Donald McDonald, Carl Valentine Rheinhardt, Norman Andrew Rheinhardt, Gertrude Agatha Spencer, Jessie Elizabeth Stewart, Eric Bernard Tomlinson, Phyllis Doreen Thomas, Alan Trevor Henry Weekley, Norman Eric Wallis.