School name: Spring Flat
Other name: -
County name: Wellington
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Operating dates:
Type of school Opening date Closing date Half-time partner schools
Public School Oct 1871 Apr 1893
Half-Time School Jun 1894 Dec 1895 GALAMBINE1
1880 John Clarke Appointed
On 22 June 1880 Mr John Clarke was appointed teacher at Spring Flat Public School2 .
3 November 1885 John Irving Clarke was instructed to act as teacher at Rylstone Public3 .
The Messrs. Watters are members of a large family, who received their education in the old Spring Flat School, which has since been demolished. The last teacher who conducted the school in the days of the Watters family was the late John Irving Clarke, a good, kind-hearted old gentleman, who was afterwards headmaster of the Rylstone Public School for several years4 .