School name: Grathlyn
Other name: -
County name: Wellington
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Operating dates:
Type of school Opening date Closing date
Provisional School May 1921 Nov 19251
9 June 1921
Public School at Grathlyn.
A public school was opened at Grathlyn, about eight miles from Hargraves, on May 26, with Miss Challoner as head teacher. The opening of the new school has affected the attendance of the Hargraves School2
3 August 1922
Grathlyn school has been closed since May. Owing to the shortage of teachers, the Education Department cannot appoint a teacher to this school at present. There are about sixteen pupils who are now receiving no education3
10 August 1922
We are pleased to report that the Grathlyn school, after being closed for some weeks, has been reopened Mr. Lindberk, late of Binnaway school, presented himself to the scholars on Thursday morning. There was an attendance of 15. We understand that the Rev. S. G. Pacey was the first parson to pay an official visit to the school the same day. He took the opportunity of welcoming the new teacher to the district, and addressed a few words of exhortation to the pupils on their duties to their teacher, and the feeling of relationship that should exist between them. We also extend our good wishes to Mr. Lindberk, and wish him a successful career4
7 August 1924
Mr. Lindbeck, who has been in charge of Grathlyn provisional school for almost two years, has received notice of transfer to the provisional school at Mt. Lambie near Rydal. Miss Johnstone, of Rylstone public school, has taken charge at Grathlyn5
11 September 1924
(From Our Correspondent.)
On Friday evening, 5th inst., Mr. H. Lindbeck, who has been transferred from Grathlyn to Mt. Lambie provisional school, was tendered a farewell social and presented with a gold medal, suitably inscribed, by his late pupils6
22 September 1924
Local News.
Grathlyn Scholars Help Hospital.
The secretary of the Mudgee District Hospital, has received £1/17/6 from the scholars of Grathlyn Provisional School, as a result of Schools Hospital Day. A similar sum has been sent to the Royal Alexandria Hospital, Sydney7
11 February 1926
Hargraves Notes.
The Grathlyn school has been closed and the children now attend Hargraves P.S., having eight miles to travel8
22 February 1926
A Capable Teacher.
Miss Johnstone, of Grathlyn school near Hargraves, is to be congratulated on the success of her pupils at the recent examinations. Five gained the permit to enroll certificate, four won admission to the Mudgee High School. The following were successful in the High School exam: - Veronica Pilley, Hilton Rayner, Alice Colley, and Nina Pilley. These passes were very creditable to both teacher and pupils as Miss Johnstone only had been at Grathlyn for fifteen months9
8 March 1926
High School Pass.
Sir, - I notice in the "Guardian." 22/3/26, a paragraph relating to High School passes at Grathlyn school, stating that four passed out of five, and giving their names.
I have received by mail: 1/3/26, a belated noticed from the Education Department, stating that Edna Buston, a pupil who has been staying at my place and attending Grathlyn school has also passed.
Considering Miss Johnstone (the teacher) only had charge of these children fourteen months prior to the examination, I think she is to be congratulated on their success. The notice I received from the Education Department, was dated ?th February, so evidently it had a rest on the way. - Yours etc., R. B. COLLEY. Dun Dun, Hargraves. 1/3/'2610