School name: Cullenbone
Other name: * Green Swamp until 1863
County name: Wellington
Location note:
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Operating dates:
Type of school Opening date Closing date
Public School Aug 1862 Feb 19631
5 October 1922
School Improved
A contributor writes in appreciation of the work done at Cullenboue school by the teacher, Mr. P. Randall. Mr. Randall took charge in July 1921, and has taken a great interest in school affairs. The ground was almost a wilderness when he arrived, and this he has transformed into a pleasant looking feature. He has had two chains of road formed between the entrance gate and the weather shed, and a number of stumps removed, and uneven places leveled out. Hoarhound, prickly pear, Pattersons curse, and other weeds, which disfigured the enclosure have been cut and burned. Ornamental trees have been planted and other trees pruned. A new garden has been laid out and planted, and a bordering hedge set. The garden has a vegetable section wherein are grown potatoes, pumpkins, squashes, melons, tomatoes, beans, etc. There Is also a plantation of lucerne, and n small orchard has been put into condition. Nor is Mr. Randall's interest confined to work of this character. His enthusiasm and versatility is shown by his activities in other directions. Manual work is taught to the school boys This includes repairing and making of gates, tank stand, first-aid cabinet, toy waggon, and bee boxes and frames. Eleven pupils are being taught the valuable art of swimming, Mr. Randall being possessed of an instructor's certificate. Instruction in bee keeping Is also given the senior boys This includes care of hives, swarm control, hiving swarms, extracting and queen rearing. Altogether Mr. Randall has performed a most commendable work, and the children attending the school are obtaining a wide and valuable training that should aid them greatly In life's activities. Cullenbone residents have reason to be pleased with their teacher2
2 February 1931
Touring through Mudgee and district during the week, Mrs. T. H. Bousfield, of Boolaroo, Newcastle, called at Cullenbone to renew acquaintances of her girlhood, and to once again enter the schoolroom in which she had been a pupil under her father (the late Mr. W. H. Haynes) over 50 years ago. Mr. Haynes was teacher Of the Cullen bone School for six and a half years, during which time he was instrumental in having the present school building erected in 1879. Mrs. Bousfield (then Alice Haynes) remembers her father, mounted on a horse, making house to house visits for signatures to a petition for the erection of the much needed building. The Haynes family went to Cullenbone as passengers on Cobb and Co's. coach, and left there by the same method of transport. Gulgong was then in its prime, and Cullenbone was a thriving village. Mrs. Payne kept the hotel, post office, general store and blacksmith's shop at Cullenbone in those days, and Messrs. Blackman and J. D. Cox were prominent in the affairs of the village. It was about that time that the late Dr. Belinfante met with his death by drowning. Mrs. Bousfield also has vivid recollections of the scare caused by bushrangers in the district. Mr. W. H. Haynes died at Dungaree shortly after leaving Cullenbone, and is buried in the Lue Cemetery3