
Two Mile Flat School

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School name: Two Mile Flat
Other name: * Warburton until 11.1895
County name: Wellington
Location note:
URL for linking: https://nswgovschoolhistory.cese.nsw.gov.au/schoolHistory?schoolId=7883
Operating dates:
Type of school Opening date Closing date Half-time partner schools
Public School Jan 1882 Dec 1883
Half-Time School Jan 1884 Sep 1889 WIADRA
Half-Time School Sep 1889 Sep 1891 PIAMBONG LOWER
House to House School Sep 1891 Nov 1895
Provisional School Mar 1900 Sep 1900
Public School Oct 1900 Dec 19331

Two Mile Flat School site Portion 72 and 73 Parish Biraganbil County Wellington
Two Mile Flat School site Portion 72 and 73 Parish Biraganbil County Wellington


7 July 1899
Two Mile Flat School.
Department of Public Instruction, Sydney, 28th June, 1899.
Sir, - I am directed to acquaint you that, having considered the application, dated 31st ultimo, for aid to a Provisional school at Two Mile Flat, the Minister of Public Instruction has resolved to grant the usual assistance, and will take the necessary steps for the appointment of a teacher to the school when the proposed building is ready for occupation and the fact is notified to this office. The Minister has also approved of the erection of a suitable building for the new school upon the site selected by the local inspector and that officer has been instructed to take the necessary steps in the matter. Application has been made to the Department of Lands for the dedication of the site. - J. Gibson.
2 " rel="">I shall urge the Department to facilitate this matter. It is now over six months since Mr. Tomkins left Yamble school, since which time the children of the district have had no schooling. Mr. Rooney has already selected the site for the proposed new school.2


1 September 1900
New South Wales, - to wit.
(L.S.) Beauchamp, Governor.
By His Excellency The Right Honourable William, Earl Beauchamp, Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Colony of New South Wales and its Dependencies.
WHEREAS a portion of Crown Land, being within the Wellington Proclaimed Goldfield, was reserved from conditional sale by Proclamation of the 17th March, 1884: And whereas it is deemed expedient to revoke part of such reservation: Now, therefore, I, William, Earl Beauchamp, Governor aforesaid, with the advice of the Executive Council, do hereby declare that so much of the said Proclamation as relates to the land hereunder described shall be and is hereby revoked:-
Within annual lease 6,444, C. and G. Rush.
Part of reserve from conditional sale within the Wellington Goldfield, proclaimed 17th March, 1884. County of Wellington, parish of Biraganbil, area 6 acres. That part within the boundaries of measured portions 72 and 73, - as shown on plan W. 3,606-2,091,
The above is included in Public School site at Two-mile Flat, dedicated 21st July, 1900, and reserve 31,376 for Public School purposes, notified this day. Ms. 99-7,345 Dep.
Given under my Hand and Seal, at Government House, Sydney, this twenty-eighth day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred, and in the sixty-fourth year of Her Majesty's Reign.
By His Excellency's Command,


31 January 1921
Two Mile Flat Public School - John James Gardiner, Martin James McNamara, Ernest Clarence Copper, ? Gardiner, ? William McNamara4 .

24 October 1921
An old Time School Teacher
Mr. Kane, who is in Mudgee on a visit, first came to this district in June, 1882. He relates that he came in the train as far as Capertee, and then on by coach to Mudgee, the late Denny Doyle being the driver. He put up in Mudgee at the Club House Hotel, which was then kept by Old Dad Millett. He proceeded to Gulgong by coach, which was driven by the late Mr. P. Toohey. On the Monday morning, he proceeded to Two Mile Flat, again by coach which was driven by Mr. Dennis McGrath, who now is rabbit inspector for the Mudgee Pastures Protection Board. The Two Mile Flat School was the first school that Mr. Kane had charge of in the district. He was there for twelve months when he was removed to Gilgandra. He had the unique experience of having a large tent for a school; which he says was a grand idea for that hot climate. He remained in charge of the Gilgandra school for two and a half years, when he was removed to Lincoln, near Wellington, where he remained for three years. He then took charge of Beryl School, near Gulgong, where he remained for seven years. He was then removed to Canadian Lead where he was for 18 years, until he was removed to Williamstown near Newcastle. After teaching there for twelve months he had six months long leave of absence. He resumed duties at Nelson's Plains, remained there for four years and was then transferred to Pillamore near Tamworth. He remained there for two and a half years, and in June 1921 went on a six months "long leave" of absence. He will retire from the service in January 1922 after 39½ years service.
While in this district Mr. Kane married a school teacher, a Miss Gleeson, daughter of Mr. John Gleeson, of Stoney Creek, who with their youngest daughter, accompanies Mr. Kane on this trip. Mr. Kane has a family of seven children. Six of them are living and are all in good positions. Two of his sons are on the clerical staff of the G.P.O. Sydney. Another is deputy clerk for the Mosman Municipal Council. The youngest son gained a scholarship at the Marist Bros. High School, Maitland, in 1919, and is now completing a two years' course of training at the Teachers' College, Sydney.
Mr. Kane says he is surprised at the growth of Mudgee since he left it. He sees a great improvement here, especially in Church street, from Mortimer-street to Market-street, particularly at the Exchange Corner. He also notes a great improvement in the tarring of Market-street and the footpaths in the main thoroughfares. As far as the back streets are concerned they still can be improved a great deal, he intends to make his home.
Before returning to Sydney where he intends to make his home, Mr. Kane will visit Gulgong and the Canadian Lead, to look up old friends. He will be in that part of the district till the end of the month.
While in Mudgee Mr. Kane was making inquiries for his old friends, amongst whom were the late Mr. J. P. Rooney (school inspector) Mr. W. Sherry, Mr. T. Nelthorpe, and Mr. P. Kirby5 .


30 January 1922
Qualifying Certificate Examinations.
The following conclude the list of passes:-
Two Mile Flat - Enid May Copper, Reginald George Gardiner, Henry Athol McManus6 .


2 June 1928
The death occurred at Hay last week, of Mr. Edward Tomkins, aged 54 years. Deceased was a member of the well known Tomkins family of Mudgee, and for a number of years teacher at Two Mile Flat, and later on he conducted an auctioneering mart at Mudgee and during the Great War, he, together with his son, Desmond, volunteered. Deceased was subsequently invalided home. For several years past he had been C.P. inspector at Hay. Those who had the pleasure of his acquaintance, and they were legion, held him in the highest esteem.
He leaves a widow (formerly Miss McManus of Two Mile Flat,) and a grown up family of four sons and one daughter. Deceased is survived by several brothers and sisters in this district namely: Messrs. George, John, Albert, Lawson's Creek, H. Tomkins, Mt. Frome, Mrs. Jas. Smith, Lawson's Creek and Miss Tomkins, Mt. Frome7 .


1 Secretary. ‘School History Database Search’. NSW Department of Education, 29 January 2020. https://education.nsw.gov.au/about-us/our-people-and-structure/history-of-government-schools/school-database-search.html.
2 Two Mile Flat School. (1899, July 7). Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved January 31, 2024, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article156360772
3 REVOCATION OF PART OF GOLD-FIELD RESERVE (1900, September 1). New South Wales Government Gazette (Sydney, NSW : 1832 - 1900), p. 6811. Retrieved January 31, 2024, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article224601296
4 Q.C. Examinations. (1921, January 31). Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved January 18, 2023, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article155657304
5 Mudgee Guardian, Monday 24 October 1921, p. 6. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article155488344
6 Qualifying Certificate Examinations. (1922, January 30). Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved January 18, 2023, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article155648306
7 DEATH OF MR. EDWARD TOMKINS (1928, June 2). Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved October 15, 2023, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article156061933

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