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Gulgong Sewerage


21 January 1970
Public Works attitude on Gulgong sewerage,
Tenders upsets Council
Cudgegong Shire Council is not happy with the Public Works Department’s attitude towards tenders for the Gulgong sewerage system.
The Department has recommended that the council accept one tender, but has not given details of the other tenders.
It has also admitted “passing over” one tender because it considers the firm involved “is fully committed to other works.”
But the shire council intends contacting the firm, Bailey Contractors Pty. Ltd. to see if it could do the job.
“I feel that the Department should be required to supply more information to Council including the prices submitted by all the tenderers and in particular to enlarge upon the proposed passing over of Bailey Contractors Pty. Ltd. tender because the Department considers that this firm is fully committed on other works,” the Shire Engineer (Mr. G. H. Smith) told the council.
He said it was printed out in the specification that the time for completion was ?60 weeks from the ? acceptance of the tender, and a penalty of $80 a week by way of liquidated damages would apply for late completion.
Additionally, all tenderers were required by the Department to lodge a security deposit of four percent of the tenderers price with their tender and in the light of existing information supplied by the Department, I am able to see no good reason why the lowest tenderer should not be accepted,” he said.
He said the Department’s letter listed the names of the tenderers for the supply of sewerage pipes and the sewerage reticulation construction.
The letter said: “The most favourable combination of tenders is that of L. J. and L. K. West Pty. Ltd. using asbestos cement pipes supplied by James Hardie Pty. Ltd. at a total cost of $180,339.32.
“In view, however, of Council’s expressed wish that vitrified clay pipes be used the Department would be prepared to accept the tender from L. J. and L. K. West Pty. Ltd., using that type of pipe at a cost of $184, 255. 57 approximately.
“In this case Council would be required to meet the full additional cost, estimated at $3,915.25.
“In accepting the latter tender, the Department would pass over a tender from Bailey Contractors Pty. Ltd., as it is considered that this firm is fully committed on other works.
“Council’s confirmation that it wishes to use vitrified clay pipes and that it is prepared to meet the additional costs associated with their use is now requested.1

21 January 1970
Loans will help pay for sewer connections
Cudgegong Shire Council will raise a loan to cover ratepayers who cannot afford to pay cash for their sewerage connections.
Ratepayers, particularly pensioners, will be lent money which they will then be required to repay.
Connections to the sewerage scheme are compulsory.
“We don’t want to set the scheme up and then have a lot of bad debts on our hands,” Shire Clerk (Mr. R. Sadgrove) told last week’s meeting.
“If we lend them the money, they’ll have to pay.”
Mr. Sadgrove said probably half the town would take advantage of the loan.
Loans were usually repayable over a five-year period, he said, but some councillors suggested 10 years might be more reasonable.
“Pensioners are finding it very difficult to live on their pensions at the moment,” Cr. W. Evans said.
“In the next two years, Gulgong people are going to be hard hit for rates.”
He was referring to the extra rate which had been levied to cover the loan for the sewerage scheme.
Health Surveyor (Mr. J. Barnard) said quite a lot of ratepayers would be faced with paying between $400 and $450 for sewerage connections.
“Eighty percent of the houses have no drainage systems at all.” he said.
“They’ll be starting right from scratch.”
Mr. Sadgrove: “Gulgong people. I think, are going to find it a little difficult to pay for all this.”
Cr. P. Khoury (Shire President): “If you want amenities you have got to pay.
“But we have to help the pensioners.2

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Category: Gulgong