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Gulgong Police Citizens Boys Club


13 January 1955
Cannot Yet Form Police-Citizens Boy’s Club
The president of Gulgong Chamber of Commerce wrote to the Police Department recently requesting information as to the steps to be taken for the formation of a Police-Citizens Boy’s Club.
Mr. C. L. Gentle, secretary to the Department, has advised inter alia, as follows:-
“I am directed by the Commissioner of Police to inform you that consideration has been to your request, but in view of commitments in regard to existing clubs and the shortage of police available for this type of duty, it is not possible to approve of the formation of a club at this centre,
“However, it is pointed out that it would be competent for local citizens, should they so desire, to form a club provided the word ‘Police’ does not appear in the title.1


1 Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 13 January 1955, p. 16.

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Category: Gulgong