
Gulgong School of Arts


25 August 1899
The public meeting convened by the Mayor was held in the Town Hall on Monday evening last. There were about half the leading residents present.
The Mayor read the requisition, and read the objects of the meeting.
Mr. C. Harris pointed out that a School of Arts was already established with a provisional committee appointed. He asked if it was intended to form a second institution.
Mr. Lambert wanted to know who elected the vice presidents and committee. The meeting which elected them, was convened by private invitation. There was not one single submember so far, consequently any election would be illegal.
Rev. F. E. Haviland said he gave credit to Dr. Kesteven for his action in this matter, but he was not the initiator of the movement. He (the speaker) had protested against the election of the committee, but was outvoted. The afternoon did not receive public recognition, because it had been carried out in a private manner.
Mr. Voss said that the doctor had rushed the matter through. It was altogether informal.
Mr. H. Cross asked if it was necessary to have a public meeting to work the matter up.
Mr. Croft read the minutes of all meetings held by the committee.
Rev. F. Haviland moved "That the time has now come that a School of Arts must be formed in Gulgong."
Mr. West seconded. He said the government would not grant the old art house to any private clique. There would be no election till the members paid their subs.
Mr. Craft said the officers were only elected provisionally. He asked if the meeting was about to cast off the gentlemen who had accepted positions to which they were elected.
Mr. J. Fatcher said he could see nothing wrong with the work of the committee. He considered that their operations were a credit to them. He approved that the work of organization be left in their lands.
Mr. Brigden seconded.
Mr. Young said that the Committee had been a little too previous. Before appointing officers they should have held back. Let the institution have a fair say. There should be no dividing over the question, it was a risk to start it with two parties.
Mr. P. Dunne said that he had signed the requisition to put new life into the idea. He said that no good could come through a division into parties.
Mr. Brigden said it would be a distasteful act to take the affair out of the hands of those who had brought it to a successful climax.
Mr. Lambert moved an amendment of the amendment as follows: "That the action of the Committee in securing the courthouse be adopted, and that a committee be appointed to draw up a guide of rules and regulations."
Mr. H. Voss seconded.
The Mayor said he had been appointed vice-president of the School of Arts. When he had received the letter he put it in the fire, because the whole election was a farce and was done in a hole and ?er fashion. If they wanted the institution to work properly they must meet in a proper manner.
After further discussion Mr. Haviland's motion and Mr. Fletcher's amendment were withdrawn. Mr. Lambert's motion was then put and carried.
Mr. Young proposed and Mr. Voss seconded, "That the sub-committee consisting of Messrs. West, Bentzen, Cross, Lambert, Young, McCreadie, and Rev. Haviland. Carried.
The committee was appointed to report a meeting to be held on September ?.
A vote of thanks to the organisers was approved and carried.
A vote of thanks to the chairman brought the proceedings to a close1 .


6 October 1904
Gulgong School of Arts
Gulgong at last has a School of Arts, and what is more it is a very flourishing institution. The circulating library is much availed of and has recently been added to by several donations of books. The committee have also obtained on loan a box of 40 books from the Public Library Sydney. The new quarter begins on 1st November, when the quarterly subscription of 2s 6d will be payable. Country members may take out two books for 14 days and town members one book for 10 days, but in either case books may be changed as often as desired2 .


1 GULGONG NEWS. (1899, August 25). Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954), p. 13. Retrieved January 31, 2024, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article156355281
2 Gulgong School of Arts (1904, October 6). Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved January 31, 2024, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article157635270

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