School name: Wilbetree Flat
Other name: * Menah until 1941
County name: Wellington
Location note:
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Operating dates:
Type of school Opening date Closing date
Public School Jul 1883 Dec 1933
Provisional School Oct 1939 May 19441
1886 Teacher Appointed
On 7 September 1886 Amy E Woolley was appointed teacher at Menah School2 .
20 May 1901
Menah School.
On Wednesday afternoon, Mr. Richards, M.P., will distribute the prizes at the Menah school. The mistress, Mrs. Keech, has sent invitations to townspeople and others to be present on the occasion. Weather conditions just now are highly favorable to picnicking, so that the midday snack and billy tea by the riverside at Menah should be much appreciated. The entrance to the school ground is by a gate on Mudgee end of Wilbetree bridge3
11 February 1904
Dept. of Public Instruction, Sydney, February 3, 1904.
Sir, - I have to acknowledge receipt of your letter, dated 1st instant, wherein you urge the necessity for erecting a weathershed at the Menah Public School, and to state that the matter has been referred to the local inspector for immediate report. - F. Bridges, Acting Under-Secretary.
" rel="">Parents of children attending this school should join with me in urging this claim. Thus is the country district man compelled to %22wring out%22 even so trifling an expenditure.4
5 February 1905 Mrs Keech, Menah, member Public Service Association5 .
9 February 1907
Sir, - At a meeting of parents of children attending the Menah Public School, held August 23, 1906, it was unanimously decided that the existing school was much too small for present requirements, being a tenth-grade school, and built to accommodate under 20 children. A petition was drawn up, and duly signed, and forwarded to the Under-Secretary for Public Instruction, praying that a new school with teacher's residence be erected, the present old school utilised as a shelter-shed for the children, and that a classified main teacher be appointed. To this application we have had no satisfactory reply, except that our petition was received, and would be attended to in due time. We have also sent along two reminders, but up to the present have not got any further ahead. At present there are over 90 children in our district, over 40 of whom are on the school-roll; some are attending outside schools, and the balance are under school ages. All of them will look to the Menah school for their education, provided suitable accommodation and a classified male teacher be provided. At this season of the year many of the parents, not caring to have their children packed in such a small and badly-ventilated building, are quite indifferent about their children attending school, giving their health the first consideration.
With a view to hastening our object, it has been suggested that we repeat the land scandal and use political influence; but this we are not prepared to do. It has also been suggested that we should club together and send one of our number down to the department to try to push things along; but we fail to see why we should be put to this expense, especially when our district, population, and climate demand immediate consideration and approval of our petition. We are all too well aware that the Government heads are very slow, but in such an urgent and neglected case as this, which may mean permanent injury to our children's health, who is to blame if we as a community have to suffer? At present there are a number of high-class teachers in the Mudgee district, holding schools with not nearly the roll-number or prospects of increase which Menah offers, and yet we have to be, or try to be, contented with a tenth-grade school; either that or send our children to other schools, which some are now doing, and others will be compelled to do also unless our petition receives proper, just, and immediate consideration.
I am, etc,
8 August 1907
Menah Public School.
As there is no residence attached to the Menah Public School the teacher, Mr. Campbell, is compelled to live in Mudgee. Mr. Campbell was lately promoted to Menah from Wollar. During his long residence at the latter place he took a keen interest in all matters appertaining to the good of the district. He is a good all round sportsman, a clever debater, and eloquent writer of racy articles. He will doubtless prove a very desirable resident of our town, and what is Wollar's loss must be Mudgee's gain7
19 September 1907
Opening of Menah School.
The opening of the Menah school was celebrated yesterday in the presence of nearly 200 people. The early portion of the day was devoted to athletic events among the children. And in the afternoon Mr. Cecil Cox presided while addresses were delivered by Mr. A. J. Lowe and Mr. Robert Jones, M.L.A. Later on the assemblage was regaled with refreshments, and at night a very successful ball was held. The function was the largest and most important held at Wilbetree for years. A detailed account of the proceedings will appear on Thursday next8
10 October 1907
Menah School.
The initiators of the movement to secure a new and commodious school building at Menah are deserving of the thanks of the residents. To Messrs T. Wright, C. D. Cox and F. Bucholtz most of the credit is due, and their actions; in conjunction with the support they received from the other members of the committee, affords a striking example of what can be done by the residents of a district acting in unison for the public good. Indeed, it is one more argument in favor of the formation of a progress committee in every centre of population. Menah's live committee do not intend to relax their efforts, and are now taking steps to place before the Department the necessity for a teacher's residence9
14 December 1908
Continental at Menah.
A Brilliant Success.
The great popularity of the teacher (Mr. Geo. Campbell) undoubtedly accounted for the very large number of townspeople who journeyed, on Wednesday night last, to Menah Public School, where a Continental was held in aid of the equipment fund. Crowds also poured in from the surrounding country, until fully 400 people were assembled in the school grounds. Here refreshment stalls had been erected, and also an open-air theatre, where the visitors were treated to an excellent programme of music, recitations, and drill displays. Even the clerk of the weather seemed bent on making a success of the function, for the night was beautifully clear and still. This was the first entertainment given by the pupils of this school, and the clear enunciation, the confidence, the general excellence of each child, and the precision and grace displayed in the physical exercises and dances, spoke emphatically of the careful training received at the hands of their teacher. Appropriate costumes added to the effectiveness of the numbers. The pupils were aided by several adult performers, the Mudgee Town Band giving a number of most acceptable items, whilst song and recitations were rendered by many of our best Amateurs,
The programme was as follows: -
.. Overture - Mudgee Band.
.. Song - Miss Rogers.
.. Song - Mr. Don Lowe.
.. Recitation - "When We are Men," six boys.
.. Song - Miss Robertson.
.. Song - Mr. A. K. Loftus.
.. Recitation - "The Five Wishes," six girls.
.. Song - Miss Kingsborough.
.. Sketch - "The House that Jack Built," twelve children.
.. Selection - Mudgee Band.
.. Song - Mr. Doswell (encored).
.. Dumb-bell Display - Boys.
.. Song - Miss Meers.
.. Recitation - "The Four Queens," five girls.
.. Song - Mr. Lovejoy.
.. Step-dance - Miss Ivy Bryant (clever).
.. Duet - Mrs. H. Cohen and Miss Meers.
.. Maypole-dance - School girls.
.. Recitation - Miss Newell Selection - Mudgee Band.
.. Wand Display - Girls.
.. Recitation - "Mr. J. O'Brien (encored).
National Anthem.
Miss Trixie Lovejoy and Mr. C. Blackman rendered valuable assistance at the piano.
The visitors were also well catered for in regard to refreshments. Misses Dykes and Moran were in charge of the cool drinks, whilst Mesdames Wright and Webb dispensed tea, etc. The performers were generously attended to by Mrs. and Miss Kennedy.
Mr. C. D. Cox, on behalf of the promoters, thanked the people for the magnificent support they had given the function by their attendance. He thanked the ladies and gentlemen from Mudgee and Eurunderee who so generously contributed splendid items towards the evening's entertainment, and the Mudgee bandsmen for their most valuable assistance.
In connection with the movement Miss Lowe (Goree) presented 28 choice volumes to the school library, and Mr. James Cox (Cullenbone), per Miss Marjorie Cox, presented a guinea to the equipment fund10
5 June 1913
Menah School Inspected
Teacher Highly Complimented
On Monday last the annual inspection of the Menah Public School was conducted by Senior-inspector Pearson. The inspection was in every way satisfactory, and the Inspector highly complimented the popular teacher (Mr. George Campbell) on the discipline, organisation and methods employed. Some excellent graphs were exhibited, showing the exports and imports of Australia, diagramic maps, rainfall for the past 47 years, and other interesting and instructive matters. This is one of the few schools in Australia that has a monthly manuscript journal produced by the children. Short stories, tales of little explorations, and interesting topical matter, written by the children are published in manuscript form by the teacher. This is an innovation and Mr. Campbell is to be highly complimented on his initiative. At the school is also a cream testing machine, and the children are instructed in the latest methods of testing the product of the cow. While at the school the Inspector was deeply interested in a dramatisation of the early history of Britain by the youngsters. The little folk, properly attired in armour and dresses of the period, delivered speeches that brought back to mind the ancient day of Ethelbert. The whole production was intensely realistic, and those who witnessed it were loud in their praises of the way Mr. Campbell had train-ed his children. Mr. Pearson remarked to us that he had a very pleasant day and was highly gratified at the work being done at Menah. It proves that in Mr. Campbell the future of the school is assured, and the good work being done there, will go a long way towards the raising of the standard of education in New South Wales11
3 November 1913
Annual Picnic.
Menah Public School.
The annual picnic in connection with the Menah Public School was held on Saturday at Wilbetree. There was a large attendance of district folk, parents and children, as well as a good number of Mudgee and district school teachers. The picnic, which was a big success and enjoyable, reflects much credit on the popular teacher, Mr. G. Campbell, and Mrs. Campbell, who were untiring in their efforts to make the function a success. During the day valuable prizes were run for by the children and ex-pupils. The picnic ended at about six o'clock, and all expressed themselves as having had a very enjoyable time12
21 January 1918
New Headmaster
Munna Public School.
Mr. H. A. Ward, from Kempsey. has been appointed headmaster at the Munna Public School insuccession to Mr George Campbell, transferred to Euchareena. The new headmaster arrivcd at Munna on Thursday, last. Mr Campbell and family keft Mudgee for Euchareena by the mail train on Fridaynight. The 'Guardian ' warmly welcomes Mr. Ward to the district. lt-trusts that he will have a prosperous and happy time at Munna, the people of which he will find extremeiy pleasant to be with13
31 January 1921
Q.C. Examinations.
The following are the Mudgee and district passes at the Q.C. examinations, success at which Qualifies for entrance at the High Schools: -
Menah Public School - Mary Florence Kennedy, Zena Marie Rayner14
30 January 1922
Qualifying Certificate Examinations.
The following conclude the list of passes:-
Menah - Vivienne Doris Bence15
15 August 1940
Mr. Dunn's Activities
Official Correspondence
MR. W. F. Dunn, M.L.A., has forwarded us the following official correspondence:
MENAH SCHOOL With reference to your personal representations on behalf of Mr. C. Cox, of "Owanilla," Wilbetree Flat, Mudgee, relative to the decision recently given to close the Menah Provisional School, I have given further consideration to this matter and in view of the additional facts now adduced, the previous decision has been revoked, and the school will be allowed to continue for the present. At the same time I would stress that the department will be able to retain this school only so long as an average attendance exceeding nine (9) pupils is maintained. - D. H. Drummond, Minister for Education16