Pipeclay Creek School

School name: Buckaroo

Other name: * Pipeclay Creek until 4.1912
County name: Phillip
Location note:
URL for linking: https://nswgovschoolhistory.cese.nsw.gov.au/schoolHistory?schoolId=1229
Operating dates:
Type of school Opening date Closing date
Public School 1867 Dec 19551

1880 William Curtis Appointed

On 22 June 1880, Mr William Henry Curtis was appointed teacher at Pipeclay Public School2 .


19 May 1904 The Chief Inspector of Buildings of the Education Department, accompanied by Mr Gostelow, country inspector, inspected the new school buildings at Pipeclay, recently erected by ColIyer and Carmichael, and were highly pleased with the work performed by the contractors3 .


4 October1906
Pipeclay State School.
Thursday last was a day of jubilation at the Pipeclay public school, when about 100 people gathered at the invitation of Mr. W. A. Wurth, the teacher, to witness a flower show and prize presentation. Among those present from other schools were Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Clarke and Mr. Passmore, Mudgee; Mr. and Mrs. Croan, Frome's Creek; Mr. and Mrs. J. Shute, Lawson's Creek; Mr. W. Dunn, Merrendee; Mr. P. A. Ruane, Linburn; Mr G. Walsh, Curryall; Mr Barton, Glen Alice; and Mr. D. McLachlan, Battle Abbey. Apologies were received from Miss Chappell, Mudgee; and Messrs. Barkel, Stoney Creek; Barratt, Botobolar; Croxon, Pyramul; Clifton, Mullamuddy; and Parry, Limestone.
The entertainment opened with a maypole dance and dumb-bell and wand drill by the children who were particularly accurate in their movements, showing evidence that Mr. Wurth had taken more than ordinary pains to brings them to perfection. Their performance was greeted with an enthusiastic round of applause.
A very prettily arranged flower show was held in the schoolroom, a prize being presented by Mr. Wurth for the best floral design, the judging of which was in the hands of Messrs. Reay, P. S. Garling and H. E. P. Macdonald. For this there were eight competitors and first prize was awarded to Josie Crowley, Lona Roth being second and Weenie Wurth third. The other devices were extremely pretty, much taste and originality being apparent. After the assemblage had inspected the display of flowers, Mr. W. S. Reay, Inspector of Schools, presented the prizes and delivered an appropriate address. Each child attending the school was the recipient of a book, and the following special awards were made.
General Proficiency - Josie Crowley 1st, Wallace Wurth 2nd, Edith Barton, Emily Condon, and Patrick Crowley equal for 3rd, Atlee Barton 4th.
General Proficiency - Linden Roth and Willie Barton equal for 1st, Cecil Roth 2nd, Leslie Barton 3rd, Eileen Crowley 4th.
After the presentation of prizes Mr. and Mrs. Wurth entertained the visitors at afternoon tea, their hospitality being given appreciation to by a vote of thanks, moved by Mr. W. Dunn, supported by Messrs. Walsh, Maclachlan, S. Box, W. Kelly.
The appearance of the school gardens was a source of much pleasure to the visitors. Quite a considerable area has been cultivated and laid down with flowers and vegetables. With the present season the little school will soon be quite a beauty spot. Every inducement is being given by Mr. Wurth to encourage the children to continue their efforts, one of the incentives being that all vegetables grown are to be sold at the Mudgee markets, the proceeds to be lodged in the Savings Bank to the credit of the growers.
Mr. Wurth is to be complimented upon the success of the function, which gave genuine pleasure to all who were privileged to attend4 .

1 Secretary. ‘School History Database Search’. NSW Department of Education, 29 January 2020. https://education.nsw.gov.au/about-us/our-people-and-structure/history-of-government-schools/school-database-search.html.
2 New South Wales Government Gazette. ‘Government Gazette Appointments and Employment’. 22 June 1880. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article221630706.
3 LOCAL BREVITIES. (1904, May 19). Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative, p. 12. Retrieved December 17, 2022, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article157635663
4 Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954), Thursday 4 October 1906, p. 15.

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