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School name: Fromes Creek
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County name: Wellington
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Operating dates:
Type of school Opening date Closing date
Public School Jan 1884 Jun 19211
11 June 1885 John Croan was instructed to take temporary charge of Fromes Creek Public IX2 .
16 May 1901
Hoisting the Flag.
On Monday last a very pleasant little gathering took place at Frome's Creek Public School, which along with many other district schools celebrated the opening of the Federal Parliament by hoisting a flag. There was a large gathering of the parents of the neighborhood, and the occasion was one of great interest to the little community. Mr. J. Croan, the energetic teacher, managed the affair in a most creditable manner. A similar gathering is to take place at Wilbetree school on Wednesday next3
5 February 1905 Mr J Croan, Fromes Creek, member Public Service Association4 .
12 Aug 1908 On account of unsatisfactory management, school reduced to Class VI from 1.9.085 .
23 June 1910
A Pleasant Function.
On Monday evening the residents of Frome's Creek assembled at Mr. Donald McCullum's for the purpose of giving a send-off to Mr. and Mrs. J. Croan and family, who were recently transferred to Cullenbone after a long stay of 25½ years at the Frome's Creek school. The gathering of past and present pupils, and their parents and friends, spent a most enjoyable time. Dancing proceeded from 8 p.m. till nearly daylight, interspersed with songs and recitations. Mr. James McGuinness was a most efficient M.C., and capital music was provided by Messrs. A. McCullum, J. Harvey, and J. Boyling, and the Misses. B. Croan and E. McCullum. Supper was laid for 90 in a spacious marquee, erected during the day by Messrs, A. McCullum, R. and H. Gudgeon, L. McGuinness and E. Sawyers, and tastefully decorated by Misses McCullum and G. Cox.
The health of "The King," proposed by the chairman (Mr. Chas. Stoddart), was drunk with musical honors.
The health of Mr. and Mrs. Croan was proposed by Mr. Edward Sawyers, and honored musically.
Mr. Louis McGuinness, an ex-pupil, presented Mr. and Mrs. Croan with a handsome silver teapot, on behalf of the old pupils, and Miss Vera McCullum presented them with a silver thimble and pen, on behalf of the present pupils.
Mrs. Croan thanked the residents for their kindness to her and her family during their stay amongst them.
Mr. Croan, after reviewing the smooth course of school affairs' during the 25½ years he was in charge, paid a tribute to the parents of the children for the way in which they had co-operated with him. He thanked them for their handsome presents, which would always be associated in his mind with Frome's Creek and the pleasant time he had spent there. In introducing the new teacher, Mr. A. E. Fothergill, of Bristol, England, he hoped they would treat him as well.
In response to a toast to his health, Mr. Fothergill stated that as far as possible he would try to continue Mr. Croan's good work. A few new subjects would be introduced into the school programme, and a few new methods of teaching according to the new syllabus. He hoped the parents would give these new ideas a fair trial. He would endeavour to make the course of instruction practical. He hoped they would continue to show the same interest in the school as they had done in the past.
The health of the chairman, having been proposed by Mr. Croan, and drunk with musical honors, Mr. Stoddart responded neatly.
The proceedings terminated with the singing of "Auld Lang Syne.6
15 September 1967
(905) Sydney, 15th September, 1967,
WHEREAS under section 25 of the Crown Lands Consolidation Act, 1913, power is given for the revocation of any crown land dedicated by the Crown: Now, therefore, I do hereby declare that all preliminary action has been taken in connection with the revocation of the dedications of the areas described hereunder, and I do hereby revoke the said dedications in so far as they apply to or affect the areas described hereunder. T. L. LEWIS, Minister for Lands.
Land District-Mudgee; Shire-Cudgegong
County Wellington, Parish Erudgere, being portion 101 of 2 acres, dedicated 10th February, 1885, for Public School Site at Fromes Creek. Plan P. 1318-1978. P. 66-25757