Codners Flat School

School name: Codners Flat
Other name: -
County name: Wellington
URL for linking:
Operating dates:
Type of school Opening date Closing date
Provisional School Apr 1908 Dec 19181


27 April 1908

Teachers Appointed.
Several probationary students, who have been receiving preparatory training at the Mudgee District School, have received appointments to country schools. Mr. C. Powell, son of Mr. T. Powell, of Lue, goes to Codner's Flat, near Stuart Town, and Mr. C. H. Leonard, of Eurunderee, will take charge of the school at Golgolgan, near Tarcoon. Mr. Leonard was a pupil of Mr. W. G. Wurth's, and on Friday night was tendered a farewell social by the residents of the wine suburb. The departing guest was also made the recipient of a travelling bag from his numerous friends in the Eurunderee and Pipeclay districts. The social was held at the residence of Mrs. Wurth, of the Eurunderee Post Office, and the presentation was made by Mr. W. G. Wurth2 .

1 Secretary. ‘School History Database Search’. NSW Department of Education, 29 January 2020.
2 Mudgee Guardian, Monday 27 April 1908, p. 2.

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