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School name: Round Swamp
Other name: -
County name: Roxburgh
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Operating dates:
Type of school Opening date Closing date Half-time partner schools
Public School Apr 1877 Dec 1916
Half-Time School Jan 1917 Oct 1919 RUNNING STREAM1
On 22 June 1880, Mr Herman Henriques was appointed teacher at Round Swamp Public School2 .
12 January 1885 Emil Beuschel was instructed to act as teacher at Round Swamp P VIII3 .
16 June 1887 Emil Beuschel was suspended and called upon to show cause why he should not be removed from the service for gross misconduct4 .
14 March 1887 Emil Beuschel was dismissed from service in consequence of complaints preferred against him of his extremely unsatisfactory career as a teacher5 .
1897 Teacher Transferred
5 March 1897 teacher Mr D L Jones was transferred from Round Swamp School to Island Flat School6 .
5 March 1897 teacher Mr J F Barratt was transferred from Island Flat School to Round Swamp Public School7 .
13 October 1905
(From our own Correspondent.l
Mr, .J . J. Barratt, who has been in charge of the Round Swamp public school for the past nine or ten years, has recently been removed to Botobolar, fourteen miles from Mudgee. Mr. Barratt during his residence amongst us proved himself a useful citizen and always took a keen interest in all public matters. Up. to the time of his departure he was secretary to the local tennis club, and also to the new church building committee. In this capacity he will be missed, as his knowledge of secretarial work was unlimited. His good wife will be missed by all: in any case of sickness she was ever to the fore, and her many acts of self-sacrifice are worthy of more than passing notice. We wish them good luck in their new sphere.
Mr. Hill, Mr. Barratt's successor, comes from Warrangunyah, near Ilford, where he had only been stationed a few mouths. Folks from that side speak highly of Mr. Hill as an energetic teacher. Mr. Hill, I believe, served for two years in the late South African war8 .
29 MARCH 1968
(4467) Sydney, 29th March, 1968.
WHEREAS under section 25 of the Crown Lands Consolidation Act, 1913, power is given for the revocation of any Crown land dedicated by the Crown: Now, therefore, I do hereby declare that all preliminary action has been taken in connection with the revocation of the grant of the area described hereunder, and I do hereby revoke the said grant in so far as it applies to or affects the area described hereunder.
T. L. LEWIS, Minister for Lands.
Land District and Shire-Rylstone
Parish Hearne, County Roxburgh, portion 178 of 2 acres, dedicated 13th March, 1877, for Public School Site at Round Swamp, revoked 15th September, 1967, Crown Grant, volume 461, folio 95. P. 266-1978. Pks 66-23419