1 March 1902 Henry Edward Alexander Wells of Mudgee, auctioneer, Edward Deane of Mudgee, coachbuilder, and David Richards of Mudgee, compositor the executors of the Will of Caroline Richards late of Mudgee, widow, sold Allotments 8 and 9, Section 31 in Lewis Street Mudgee to Allan Brown of Burrundulla, farmer, for £83.
The above conveyance refers to the following schedule1
22nd April 1858. - Crown Grants to A. R. B. Cochrane.
26th November 1896. - Conveyance, Hon. G. H. Cox Executor of A. R. B. Cochrane to Evan Richards Reg. No. 142 Book 591.
20th October 1899. - Acknowledgement, Executrix of Evan Richards deceased to Caroline Richards Reg. No. 849 Book 652.
17 March 1910__ Allan Brown of Mudgee, farmer, sold Allotments 8 and 9 Section 31 in Mudgee to John Joseph Thorpe of Mudgee, Bootmaker for £40.
The above conveyance refers to the following schedule2
17th March 1910. - Conveyance, H. E. A. Wells, to Allan Brown. Reg. No. 679 Book 903.