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School name: Eurunderee
Other name: -
County name: Phillip
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Operating dates:
Type of school Opening date Closing date
Provisional School Oct 1876 Aug 1877
Public School Aug 1877 Dec 1925
Provisional School Aug 1929 Nov 1957
Public School Nov 1957 May 19701
2 Provisional school Eurunderee, alluded to by Lawson as; "The dear old bark humpy where I went to school." Promoted by Mrs Lawson and built by her husband. The teacher slept in the skillion at the back of the building. Many of his pupils became prominent teachers.
1880 John Tierney Appointed
On 22 June 1880 Mr John Tierney was appointed teacher at Eurunderee Public School.3
5 February 1905 Mr J E Elliott, Eurunderee, member Public Service Association4 .
27 September 1906
Parents Association Formed
Eurunderee Public School.
At a meeting held at the above place on Friday, 21st September, a Parents' Association was formed with the view of meeting at intervals to keep in touch with the teacher. Mr. J. E. Elliott, the worthy teacher, is to be congratulated for his energy and tact. The wonderful change the old school and surroundings have undergone speaks for itself, and both parents and children have much to be proud of, and the forming of a Parents' Association is worthy of special mention5
29 May 1919
Mr. T. H. Cook, headmaster of the Eurunderee Public School, has been notified that as a result of his examination successes his classification has 'been raised from 3B to 3A6
30 January 1922
Qualifying Certificate Examinations.
The following conclude the list of passes:-
Eurunderee - Marie Hilda Barker7
8 December 1927
District Schools
Mr. W. F. Dunn, M.L.A., has received the following communication from the Minister for Education, Mr. D. H. Drummond. M.L.A. :
I have your letter of the 22nd. inst. relative to certain school matters in your electorate. The schools concerned are Merrendee, Eurunderie, Bulbudgerie (Wuuluman) and Beryl. With reference to Merrendee, I find that school has been closed since April 1925, although you state that a subsidised school is at present being conducted at that centre, it is not known under that name. However, inquiries are being made into the present situation at Merrendee with a view to ascertaining what the prospects may be for the re-opening of the school in charge of a Departmental teacher, and I am now waiting the receipt of the Inspector's report thereon. The position at Eurunderie has been clarified. The local Inspector had a lengthy interview with Mr. G. H. Murphy - who was the principal correspondent in connection with school matters at that centre, as a result of which Mr. Murphy has expressed the view that the establishment of a subsidised school will meet the case of the small children very well. The older children drive to Mudgee, where better educational facilities are available than would be the case if the local school were reopened. The position at Bulbudgerie is not so favorable. The teacher was removed from the school during the week ending October 21, the enrolment having fallen to ten and the average attendance to 8.6. During the second week of October the average attendance was only 7.4. The matter is at present with the local Inspector of Schools for inquiry, and in the light of his report when received, I shall be able to inform you definitely of the prospects for re-opening the school. The matter of repairs to the Beryl school residence will form the subject of a separate communication8
28 May 1971
The Minister for Education Mr. Cutler has approved the formal closure of Eurunderee Public School.
This information is contained in a letter from the Minister to Mr. Leo Nott, M.L.A.
The Minister’s statement dashes local hopes that the school, on a historic site associated with the development of Australian literature, would someday re-open.
Henry Lawson attended school at Eurunderee.
There has been strong public opinion in the Mudgee district that a school should be maintained in the area.
Mr. Cutler said in his letter that the teacher had been withdrawn from Eurunderee Public School at the close of first term in 1970 when it had been ascertained that the enrolment did not meet departmental requirements and that there was little prospect of any marked increase in enrolment in the foreseeable future.
“The position at Eurunderee has been investigated and as a school charter bus service conveys to Mudgee, children who were enrolled previously at Eurunderee, there does not appear to be any need for the retention of the school or site at Eurunderee”, he said9