Brogans Creek School

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School name: Brogans Creek

Other name: * Vincents Hole until 9.1890
County name: Roxburgh
Location note:
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Operating dates:
Type of school Opening date Closing date Half-time partner schools
Half-Time School Jun 1885 May 1893 FLATLANDS
Half-Time School May 1893 May 1894 CLANDULLA1

Brogans Creek School site Portion 78 Parish Clandulla County Roxburgh
Brogans Creek School site Portion 78 Parish Clandulla County Roxburgh


Baur Promoted
5 March 1886, Brogans Creek School teacher Charles Baur was promoted to Class 3C Provisionally2 .

5 July 1886 Charles Baur was instructed to act as teacher at Lawsons Creek Public IX3 .


8 June 1905
The Brogan Creek schoolteacher, Mr. Rigg, is one of those unfortunates that the axiom 'out of sight out of mind' would seem to apply to, for he has been located at Brogan's Creek now for 16 years4 .


11 March 1909
From information supplied to the Farmers and Settlers' Association it would seem that Mr. Rigg, the Brogan's Creek school teacher, has been treated in anything but a proper spirit. Brogan's Creek is not the nicest place to live in, and for a teacher to have to provide his own water supply, don't add to the attractiveness of the place. During the recent dry spell Mr. Rigg, found his 100 gallon tank, which a wise Department thinks adequate for teacher and scholars, of no service, and at his own expense had to provide water. This is not as it should be, and the Farmers and Settlers' Association, at its meeting on Saturday, passed a resolution in favor of obtaining a larger tank5 .

11 March 1909
The usual monthly meeting of the above body was held in the Globe Hotel sample rooms on Saturday last. There was a fair attendance of members.
It was resolved that a letter be written to the District School Inspector, Mr. Reay, requesting that an 800 or 1000 gallon tank be supplied to the Brogan's Creek school, and also state that the tank supplied by the Department was inadequate for requirements6 .

22 April 1909
After 20 years' residence as school teacher in charge of the Brogan's Creek school, Mr. Rigg has received notice of his transference to Trunkey, on the western line. Mr. Rigg does not like the severance of old associations, but the best of friends must part, and I trust his new sphere of labor will be as congenial and pleasant as Brogan's Creek has proved7 .

18 August 1909
1020 Department of Lands,
Sydney 18th August, 1909.
Proposals under section 105. Crown Lands Act of 1884,
in respect of Public School site at Brogan's Creek.
WHEREAS His Excellency the Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, being of opinion that is is expedient in the public interest to resume the whole of the Public School sites at Brogan's Creek, dedicated 5th April, 1893, and Dunoon, dedicated 15th June, 1886, and respectively described in the Schedule hereto, has directed that this notice under my hand shall be published in the Government Gazette, setting forth the mode in which it is proposed to deal with the lands in question: Now, therefore, notice is hereby given, in pursuance of such direction, and in accordance with the provisions of the 105th section of the Crown Lands Act of 1884, that it is proposed to deal with the said lands in the manner following, that is to say,-to revoke the respective dedications thereof heretofore made. S. W. MOORE.
Schedule referred to.
Description of 2 acres of land at Brogan's Creek, the dedication of which is intended to be revoked. County of Roxburgh, parish of Clandulla, containing and area of 2 acres: Commencing at a point bearing south 10 minutes west and distant 22 chains 63 links form the south-east corner of portion 26; bounded thence by lines bearing west 5 chains 72 links, north 5 chains 58 links, east 5 chains 72 links, and south 10 minutes west 3 chains 50 links, to the point of commencement. Ms. 1909-13,1468 .


1 Secretary. ‘School History Database Search’. NSW Department of Education, 29 January 2020.
2 New South Wales Government Gazette. ‘Government Gazette Appointments and Employment’. 5 March 1886.
3 ‘Charles Baur’. State Records of NSW. BAUR Charles School Teachers’ rolls 1869-1908 Series: NRS 4073: Teachers’ Rolls, 1869-1908 | Page No: 840 | Reel No: 1994 | Roll: 5. State Records of NSW. Accessed 22 July 2022. Copy held
4 RYLSTONE NEWS. (1905, June 8). Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954), p. 14. Retrieved July 20, 2024, from

Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 11 March 1909, p. 10.


Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 11 March 1909, p. 10.


Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 22 April 1909, p. 26.

8 Government Gazette Notices (1909, August 18). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 4600. Retrieved January 20, 2024, from

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