8 March 1923
Owner Thomas Donlon; licensee, Charles Arthur Stott, Mortgagee, Federal Building Society, No. 3.
Mr. Davidson appeared for the licensee, and Mr. Bathgate (instructed by C. D. Meares and Daniels) for the owner.
Inspector Bond told the board that there was five convictions against the house; they were against the former licensee. The hotel was a brick building in a bad state of repair. Five bed rooms were available for the use of the public. The total number of rooms in the hotel was 13. It was well conducted by the present licensee. The stables had 10 stalls. The premises in his opinion, required re-building.
To Mr. Bathgate: The hotel was on the diagonal corner from the sports ground. It was the closest building, and the sports ground was regularly patronised throughout the year by various clubs. He could not say if championship sports were held on the ground, or were to be held again on March 17. He believed he had heard something about this.
Thomas Donlon gave evidence that he was prepared to renovate the hotel. The yard was 2 chains x 3 chains. There was a three chain area, to each street.
Charles Arthur Stott, licensee, had five boarders at the present time. The dining room was fairly well patronised. It would accommodate 40. Received a lot of patronage from the sports ground. Country people patronised the house.
William John McCulley, managing draper of Maurice Vale, Mudgee, gave evidence of the large number of people who patronised the sports ground in the football season. This hotel was a convenience to them. In the summer time from 50 to 100 people attended cricket and tennis matches. The takings at the championship sports were £120. He expected a larger gathering at the championship meeting on March 17.
John Hill, draper, Mudgee, secretary of the Mudgee Football League, corroborated Mr. McCully's evidence. The conduct of the hotel was good and was well patronised.
Patrick Joseph Sullivan, farmer, residing at Lawson's Creek, Mudgee, frequently stayed at this hotel where he was comfortably housed. The place was well patronised.
To the Chairman: If it were delicensed he would feel it was a public loss.
Edward Thomas, auctioneer and acting town clerk; Cudgegong, found the hotel a public convenience. It was heavily patronised on Saturdays1
5 December 1923
James Horwood 1.1.20.
William Moran 14/4/20.
Maria Donlon 15/4/21.
Gerald Michael Fitzgerald 5.10,21.
Chas. Arthur Stott 31.3.22.
(Patrick) Donlon Douro St. Mudgee 1.1.20.
Thomas Donlon 85 Darling St. Balmain
Mudgee Federal Bldg. Society No 1 Mudgee.
Dep. Closed 5/12/232