
Mudgee Col Matthews Motors

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4 May 2021
Col Matthews celebrates a double anniversary
Col Matthews is aware that used car dealers are often stereotyped in unflattering ways, but it doesn't affect him.

"You don't last 50 years in Mudgee if you don't do the right thing."

Col Matthews has built a 50-year legacy based on honesty and integrity, which he has attributed as the basis for the longstanding success of his business, Col Matthews Motors.

He opened the dealership in Lions Drive on May 1, 1991, with just 10 cars and a staff of two people.

The business grew into a front yard which sold over 20 to 30 cars a month, at which point they expanded to a property on Sydney Road which featured a paint, detailing and mechanical workshop.

Col Matthews Motors returned to its "birthplace" on Lions Drive, where staff have celebrated its 30-year anniversary.

Mr Matthews has seen the industry change significantly in that time, but he said the fundamentals like attention to detail, still remain crucial.

"People have got so much more access to information, they get on the internet and check out what they want and they're pre-educated," he said.

"But the internet doesn't show apples for apples. I look at 20 cars and only buy one, because the rest aren't good enough, even though they're the same car. You've got to know what you're doing and be careful."

Mr Matthews has called himself "very fussy" when it comes to picking the right cars, and although it might be time-consuming, his style has paid off.

Over the past 30 years the business has been nominated and received Motor Traders Association (MTA) Country Dealer Awards on a number of occasions.

"I was nominated 5 times for MTA dealer of the year, and to get that as a dealer in Mudgee it's a hard thing. We won the country dealer of the year in 2007, and that was a great honour," he said.

The industry recognition has been a career highlight for Mr Matthews, but it's the simple everyday moments that keep his passion burning.

"I'm delivering a car to someone's daughter tomorrow, and I know the car is going to be reliable and they'll all be happy. That makes me proud, because I do personally care about every car I sell," he said.

"I enjoy looking after people, and I feel like what I've done has been worthwhile."

As Mr Matthews has reflected back on his 50-year career selling cars, his biggest regret was selling his own back in 1973.

"I had a GT-HO Phase II Falcon, but when I got married in 1973 I sold it, and if I still had that car today it would be worth a fortune1 ."


1 Zoumboulis, N. (2021, May 4). Col Matthews celebrates a double anniversary. Mudgee Guardian (Australia), p. 3. Available from NewsBank: Access Australia: https://infoweb.newsbank.com/apps/news/document-view?p=AUNB&docref=news/1824160FD1FB9B70.

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