Rylstone Globe Hotel


21 August 1922
A fire which started in the chimney at the private parlor at Squires' Globe Hotel on Saturday did damage to the walls and ceiling. Through the willing action of R. Abbott, who climbed to the two storied roof and amid the heat and cinders clamped wet bags on the chimney top, the fury of the fire was subdued, and afterwards put out altogether by a fire extinguisher supplied by Mr. McLachlan. Mr. W. R. Jones and others were on the spot and with Mr. and Mrs. Squires, got furniture out of the way and swept back the red hot clinkers which came rolling out onto the floor as they fell. In addition to disfigurement to the walls from the great heat emitted, one of the walls showed a large crack. The helpers did good work1 .


31 August 1927
Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Squires, who recently sold out their lease of the Globe Hotel, Rylstone, have secured a lease of the Main Hotel, Maclean2 .


16 June 1938
The licence of the Globe Hotel, Rylstone was renewed: - M. A. Goodwin3 .


9 December 2021
The Rylstone Pub that raised tens of thousands for their local hospital
The Globe Hotel in Rylstone has more than doubled their goal of raising $10,000 for the local hospital this year thanks to a generous and motivated community.

It started when owner Paul Flynn decided the proceeds from the Friday night darts comp should go to a local charity and the team decided the Rylstone Multi Purpose Service (MPS) would be a great place to start.

"We identified the hospital because it's something that touches every part of the community," Mr Flynn said.

"Everybody was on board with supporting the local hospital and there was a need for... medical equipment there. So we started donating money to them," he said.

Paul has run the Globe for about a year, coming from a career managing restaurants in Sydney.

As the money started coming in from darts as well as meat raffles, the hotel held an auction in June that raised $12,000 for the MPS.

"We set a goal at the start of the year to raise about 10 grand. We thought that would be a good target to hit," he said.

"It was something I didn't think we would personally reach. But it was a good goal, and we ended up doubling that this year and that's with COVID interrupting business for three months.

"So yeah, it's been a really, really good year."

Jenny Blunt works as a Registered Nurse at the Rylstone MPS and her husband Martin has worked at the Globe as the Cellerman for two decades. She said the money has been well-received.

"In nursing - I started off in some of the nursing homes - I've always been aware of how short equipment and stuff is at facilities," Mrs Blunt said.

"I've always wanted to try and somehow incorporate our passion for the community into getting money to help what we want for the hospital."

The money raised, so far, has been used to purchase a vein finder and vaccination fridges, both pieces of equipment that go a long way to improving the facilities for locals who might have otherwise needed to travel for some treatments.

"Paul, I must say, without his support none of this would be possible. He's just got some fantastic ideas. He's like a breath of fresh air that has come through the town which is nice," Jenny said.

The Globe also raises money for Rylstone Pony Club and the Tiaratahs.

"We're really trying our hardest to be an active member and supporter of this whole community. That's sort of a personal mission statement from me and what I want to do as well," Mr Flynn said.

"I think it's really, really important to continue doing that in 2022 to probably look to expand some of that support as well into other organisations that we feel like could use a helping hand."

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CREDIT: Benjamin Palmer4


1 FIRE AT RYLSTONE. (1922, August 21). Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved March 29, 2023, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article155739624
2 Open Season for Marsupials (1927, August 31). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883 - 1930), p. 14. Retrieved January 12, 2024, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article246406141
3 RYLSTONE POLICE COURT (1938, June 16). Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved April 23, 2023, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article162511509
4 The rylstone pub that raised tens of thousands for their local hospital. (2021, Dec 09). Mudgee Guardian and Gulgong Advertiser Retrieved from http://ezproxy.sl.nsw.gov.au/login?url=https://www.proquest.com/newspapers/rylstone-pub-that-raised-tens-thousands-their/docview/2607651411/se-2

Page last modified on Friday 12 January, 2024 10:26:44 AEDT
Category: Hotels
Category: Rylstone