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Rylstone Hospital


10 May 1917
Rylstone Hospital.
A telephone arrangement in course of installation will connect Dr. Han sard's surgery with the Rylstone District Hospital, and which will be a great convenience to the medical staff. Rawden is also to be connected1 .


29 March 1943
(To the Editor)
Sir, - I would be very grateful if you would allow me space in your valuable paper for a short discussion in connection with a meeting held at Kandos recently for the purpose of arranging a memorial fund for the late Dr. Darton.
Without wishing to cast any criticism on any suggestions put forward or carried at the meeting, I do wish to voice my disappointment, which is shared by a large section of Rylstone-Kandos and district public, at the lack of support given to a particular proposal put to the meeting, namely, the construction of a children's ward at the local hospital and its dedication in the name of the deceased doctor. One can only surmise that many who voted against this proposal did not have time to give it sufficient thought, therefore it may be of some interest to quote a few of the facts as they appear to me.
Firstly, the financial question can be disposed of as being no greater burden than other schemes proposed. Secondly, who can challenge the necessity of such a ward or the commemorative value of such a project. The location would be most suitable to both towns, and the hospital is where the late doctor spent a large portion of his time. What could have been more in keeping with a man who devoted the whole of his life to the cares and needs of the sick? Would it not have been a most valuable memorial to a most valuable loss, one that would not be lost by the passing of a few years, but one that would continually remind the present day people and people of years to come of the good name, works and deeds of this doctor? What other scheme can have so much said in its favor and so little said against it? If there is one, its adoption will be justified. But I feel sure that the one mentioned above would have been given whole hearted support from all sections of the district, without which success is most improbable, and lack of success in such a venture would reflect on the very name which we wish to honor.
I am, etc.,


24 January 1955
Miners Concerned Over Shortage of Nurses at Rylstone District Hospital
Mining employees on the Mudgee line are concerned at the serious staff shortage at the Rylstone hospital, and last week, Western District president (Mr. E. Mara) sent telegrams to the Hospitals’ Commission and Nurses’ Association in Sydney, requesting help in gaining staff for the institution.
In the Kandos area men are employed at two cement works and three collieries.
Because of the shortage of staff, authorities at the Rylstone Hospital have had to make restrictions on patients entering the institution, and only maternity and serious accident cases are being admitted.
Mr. Mara sent the following telegram to the Hospital’s Commission:-
“Representations have been received regarding the serious staff shortage at Rylstone Hospital. Mining and industrial employees at Kandos are concerned at the necessary restrictions to accommodation at the hospital in event of serious accident. Would respectfully seek assistance of Commission in securing trained staff for Rylstone Hospital, Mining Federation officials prepared to confer with Commission in endeavour to aleviate position. E. Mara, District President.”
The following was the telegram sent to the Nurses’ Association:-
“Miners’ Federation concerned at shortage of trained nurses at Rylstone Hospital necessitating restrictions to their accommodation. Can your Association render any assistance in securing staff? Have wired Hospital Commission seeking their help.-Mara =, District President.”
Mr. Mara said that a reply had been received from the Nurses’ Association in which it was stated that a State-wide shortage prevailed because of the low wage conditions of the nurses.
The reply continued: “Glad you wired Commission. Have salary claim before them now. Thankful of any assistance. Warren Hospital paying £2 above award. Suggest you wire Health Minister.
“It was considered unwise to try to contact the Health Minister,” Mr. Mara said, adding that Mr. O’Sullivan was at present on a tour of far western N.S.W.
He said he would endeavor to contact him as soon as possible.
“The position is a serious and immediate one, and we are hoping that no serious accidents occur at the cement works or coal mines in that area,” concluded Mr. Mara3 .


1 Rylstone Hospital. (1917, May 10). Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954), p. 21. Retrieved April 8, 2023, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article157115771
2 DR. DARTON MEMORIAL (1943, March 29). Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved October 12, 2024, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article156278521
3 Mudgee Guardian, Monday 24 January 1955, p. 1.

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