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27 September 1905
27 September 1905
The First Progress Committee (Photo).
Reading from left to right:-Back row: Messrs. H. .J. McPherson, J. A. Puddicombe, J. W. Jackson, J. D. Reid, S. G. Benson. Front row: Rev. H. D. Sealy-Vidal (Hon. Sec.), Messrs. William Taylor (President), and E. H. Davies.
Rylstone has not yet been raised to the dignity of a municipality, but an energetic progress committee watches over the interests of the town, and one is quite correct in saying that, as a result of the efforts of the committee, Rylstone is in a far better condition than many towns which have the benefit of municipal government. The first progress committee at Rylstone was elected in April, 1899. This committee consisted of Mr. William Taylor (president), the Rev. H. D. Sealy-Vidal (honorary secretary), and Messrs. H. J. McPherson, J. A. Puddicombe, J. W. Jackson, J. D. Reid, S. G. Benson, and E. H. Davies, and through the courtesy of Mr. P. G. Hart (proprietor and editor of the Rylstone "Express") we are enabled to publish a group of the members of the committee. The present progress committee consists of Messrs. W. Taylor (president), T. W. Taylor (hon. secretary), C. E. Barnes, H. R. Dalton, L. McLachlan, James Walker, J. M. Macdonald, L. O. Taylor, and S. G. Benson. During the past year the committee has been instrumental in having the following work carried out:- Repairs to local public school and schoolmaster's dwelling; repairs; etc., at post office; repairs, etc., to Pyangle-road; new school at Merryangle; and repairs to school at Breakfast Creek, and approach to Rylstone Railway Station; while the committee now has the matter of the Nullo Mountain-road in hand1
27 September 1905