
Bylong Wigelmar

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17 February 2007

Wigelmar Letter Box Bylong Wigelmar Driveway 2007


15 July 1915
Wigelmar P.O.
Mr. W. M. Fleming. M.P., has received the following letter from the Deputy-P.M.G., dated July 8:-
"Sir, - With reference to previous correspondence relative to the establishment of telephonic communication between Bylong and Rylstone, the necessary line having been completed, a telephone office will be established at Wigelmar to-morrow, under the charge of Mr. George W. Traill.1 "


29 March 1917
Mr. Traill, of Wigelmar, recently purchased a fine lot of wethers for his Bylong station2 .

19 April 1917
A Grand Fete and Concert will be held at Wigelmar, Bylong Yalley, in aid of the Red Cross and Local Comfort Fund, Friday May 4th.
AN Auction Sale of Stock and Produce will be held in the afternoon. Jumble, sweet and refreshment stalls.
Also the following Sports Programme.
1. Prize Lady's Bracelet, valued at £3 3s, for Grassfed Hacks
2. Pony Race, for ponies 14 hands and under; prize, a Bridle
3. 100 Yards Dash; prize, a Bridle
4. Melon Race; prize, a Riding Whip
1. Boys' Race, under 16 years; prize 5/-
2. Girls' Race, under 16 years; prize 5/-
3. Old Buffers' Race, for men over 60 years; prize 5/-
4. Sack 'Race; prize 5/-
5. Stepping Distance; prize 5/-
6. Guessing Weight of Fat Sheep; prize 5/-
A Concert by Rylstone and local artists will be held at night commencing at 7.30 p.m. MISS TRAILL, Hon. Sec. Wigelmar, Rylstone3 .

24 April 1919
A GOOD COOK, also House and Parlor Maid, or girl to train. 3 adults. Good wages. Apply with copies of references to MRS. TRAILL, Wigelmar, Rylstone4 .

5 June 1919
Tenders Wanted
FOR ploughing about 50 acres of land that has been cultivated. Apply for particulars to G. W. TRAILL, Wigelmar, Rylstone5 .


10 July 1919
Prime Mutton From Bylong.
Some of the choicest mutton that has come to Mudgee for a considerable time was to be seen hanging in Bryant's butchery yesterday morning. These sheep were several of a consignment from Miss. Traill, of Wigelmar, Bylong, and the breed was the Suffolk-Lincoln merino cross, a black faced, mutton type of sheep, very little known in this district. The carcase showed great length, with the hindquarters like hams, the fat better distributed than many of the other mutton breeds and the flesh of fine flavor. The top weight of those killed was 84lbs, for a 4-tooth wether. Mr. Bow was the purchaser for Bryant Bros. through Messrs Mitchell and Dunn. We congratulate Miss Traill on her enterprise and the excellence of her sheep in the face of the prolonged drought6 .

30 October 1919
CAPABLE COOK, no other duties. Three in family. Good wages. Apply with references either by letter or telephone No. 1, South Bylong.
MRS. TRAILL, Wigelmar, Rylstone7 .


17 August 1922
Shearers Cook STARTING 7th September. Award Rates. Apply by letter, G. W. TRAIL, “Wigelmar,” Rylstone8 .


23 August 1923
Shearers Cook
A SHEARERS' COOK. Weekly award wages. To start SEPTEMBER 13th. Apply by letter to G. W. TRAILL, “Wigelmar,” Rylstone9 .


29 September 1924
WANTED AT ONCE Smart LAD, left school. Offering experience in Apiary; good home. Wages 15/ per week. Apply by letter F. R. LOWE, “Wigelmar,” Rylstone10 .


27 August 1925
AT once, BOY, 15-16, milk cow, general useful. Wages and good home. Only respectable lad need apply. - F. R. LOWE, “Wigelmar,” Rylstone11 .

5 October 1925
ONE 27 H.P. OVERLAND CAR, model 79, very roomy, well equipped, in first-class order, any trial. Also one table model PHONOGRAPH, with 30 selections. For offers apply F. R. LOWE, “Wigelmar,” Rylstone12 .


26 November 1928
WANTED - Reliable Married Man as general station hand, must be experienced with sheep. Award wages. Apply with references. G. W. Traill, Wigelmar, Rylstone. Telephone Bylong 1013 .


31 July 1929
WANTED - Man for Rabbitting principally. Award wages. Apply G. W. Traill, Wigelmar, Rylstone.
Shearers Wanted
THREE GOOD SHEARERS wanted. About 2000 a man. Start end of August. Apply - G. W. TRAILL, Wigelmar. Rylstone14 .

21 August 1930
ONE (1) clean Shearer, 2500 per man. New award rates. Must start on 28th August. Apply at once with references to - S. R. LOWE, Wigelmar, Rylstone15 .


6 August 1931
Mr. W. G. Traill, "Wigelmar," Rylstone, advertises for good shearers, and guarantees over 2000 sheep per man. Operations are due to commence on August 26, and those desiring a stand should communicate with Mr. Traill without delay16 .


3 November 1932
AT the Sydney wool sales yesterday nine bales of good quality Rylstone wool branded Wigelmar went to a Yorkshire buyer at 11¾d per lb17 .

17 November 1932
MEN for rabbiting: weekly wages or contract; provide own traps. Apply - G. W. TRAILL, Wigelmar, Rylstone18 .


8 September 1947
Stuck in the Creek
The heavy rain in the Mudgee district on Tuesday last caused creeks to become flooded and many creeks were impassable. Major Parsons, of the Mudgee Salvation Army, while attempting to negotiate Budden crossing, Bylong, stuck in the middle of the stream and he and his wife had to carry the children to safety. Later, the car was dragged close to the bank, but it was not until Thursday that it was pulled out by a lorry. Meanwhile, the machine had become waterlogged and the cleaning up of the vehicle took many hours. The Major would like to extend very grateful thanks to the Traill family, of “Wigelmar,” for the hospitality extended to his family and himself, and for accommodating them for their two days' enforced stay in the area19 .


29 September 1949
Deceased Estate
“WIGELMAR” (5445 acs.) “LEE CK.” (1428 acs.) “YARRAN” (1092 acs.)
For Public Auction, Wednesday, Oct. 12, '49
at MUDGEE TOWN HALL, at 2.30 p.m.
Under instructions from the Executors of Estate late G. W. Traill, “WIGELMAR” - 5445 Acres; viz: -
3525 acres Freehold;
1920 acres C.L. Capital Value 20/- per acre.
Fronting main Rylstone/Bylong road. About 23 miles from Rylstone Railway, 5 miles from Bylong, about 180 miles from Sydney. Rich undulating chocolate soil, basalt, and limestone, creek flats, and including a high peak outcrop. Principal timbers, Appletree, Box and Kurrajong. Heavy carrying, first class breeding and fattening country for sheep and cattle. Boundaries netted; several netted subdivisions, 30 paddocks. Good stone homestead, 12 rooms; two cottages, stables and sheds. Very good woolshed (4 stands). Watered by several sub-bores and wells, equipped with mills and tanks.
LEE CREEK” - 1418¼ Acres, viz: -
647¾ acres Freehold;
596¼ acres C.P.;) - £197 due to Crown on C.P. & C.L.
174¼ acres C.L.)
Situated 38 miles from Rylstone Railway, 6 miles from Bylong, (adjoining “Yarran”). “Lee Creek” has a double creek frontage, also watered by 4 wells (equipped) The creek flats are ideal for LUCERNE and DAIRYING. When under lucerne some years ago excellent results were obtained. The balance of this property comprises rising ground timbered with Appletree, Kurrajong and Box. Boundaries netted and subdivided into several paddocks. Cottage (concrete), 4 rooms, and outbuildings. -
YARRAN” - 1092½ Acres, viz:-
575 acres Freehold:
517 acres CF. & CL. (£323 due to Crown).
About 20 miles from Rylstone Railway and about 8 miles from Bylong, (adjoining “Lee Creek”). Level to undulating and small portion hilly. Timbers, Box, Yarran and Kurrajong. About 200 acres arable. Boundaries netted. Old house (out of repair). Watered by well equipped with mill.
REMARKS: These properties were held by the late Mr. G. W. TRAILL for very many years, and are now only being sold to wind-up the Estate. The completion of the Railway through Bylong, which is under construction, will provide easy access to rail. The District rainfall averages about 25 inches per annum and is generally regarded as a very safe quarter of the State. The locality is perhaps more widely known through the reputation of several famous Blood Horse Studs, and “Wigelmar”, also “Yarran”, are considered well suited for this purpose, also for cattle breeding, in conjunction with other pursuits, including, fat lamb-raising. Inspection recommended.
For further particulars or arrangements to inspect, apply to: -
MUDGEE (118 & 332) DUNEDOO (2 & 76) DUBBO (351).
Solicitors to the Estate:-


20 March 1950
Clear. Sale At "Wigelmar", Bylong
Saturday, 25th MARCH, 1950. AT 11 a.m.
On A /c of the Estate late G. W. Traill
Messrs. SCHUTE BELL BADGERY LUMBY LTD., SYDNEY and O. L. MILLING & CO., MUDGEE Auctioneers, Acting in Conjunction, have received instructions to sell as above, on Saturday, 25th March next, commencing at 11 a.m.
STOCK: 20 Mixed Cattle; 1 Saddle Mare.
PLANT: 2 Disc Reversible Plow, 2 Disc Plow, Mower, Hayrake, Harrows, 2 Scarifiers, 200 Iron Bark Fencing Posts, Ruston Hornsby Engine, Shearing Sundries and Handpieces, 2 Tarpaulins, Auto Tent, Camping Gear, Quantity Paint, Lawn Mower, Incubator, Brooder, Churn, Separator, Fire Fighting Pump, 3 Coils Barb Wire, Grindstone, 3 Sets Stocks and Dies, Hand Crutching Plant, Bench Drill, Forge, Vyce, Anvil, Wire Rope, Buffalo Blower, Pipe Wrenches, Rabbit Traps, Dray, Wheelbarrow, 12 Builder's Scaffold Planks, S.F. Plow, Coil No. 10 Wire, Old Buick Utility, Old Overland Utility, Quantity Lucerne Seed, Corn Sheller, 4 Saddles, Harness, and large quantity Tools, Etc. FURNITURE:
L38 Electrolux Refrigerator, Philco Radio, Roll Top Writing Desk, Round Table, Kitchen Cabinet, Wardrobe, Sideboard, 3 Dressers, Bedroom Suite, 6 Stretchers, 3 Single Beds, 7 Cane Chairs, 3 Dressing Tables, 10 Tables, Telephone Desk, 2 Armchairs, 5 Large Verandah Chairs, Canvas Verandah Blinds, Chairs, Cupboards, Baskets, Traymobile, Carpet, Rugs, Lino, 3 Meat Safes, Office Desk Cabinet, 2 M.T. Washstands, Bathroom Cabinet, Pedestal, Mangle, Aladdin Lamp, Tilley Lamp, Lamps, Lanterns, Books, Mattresses, Blankets, Linen, Pillows, Crockery, Cutlery, Kitchen Utensils, and numerous Sundries.

Note Date: - Saturday 25th March, at 11 a.m.

LUNCHEON: Ladies of the Bylong Children's Playground Committee will provide Luncheon and Afternoon Tea at a small charge. Please bring your own cups. As "Wigelmar" has been sold, everything will be for outright sale.



1 Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 15 July 1915, p. 12. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article156939250
2 Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 29 March 1917, p. 9. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article157116402
3 Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 19 April 1917, p. 19. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article157117768
4 Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 24 April 1919, p. 13. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article158005785
5 Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 5 June 1919, p. 19. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article158006861
6 Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 10 July 1919, p. 13. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article158008380
7 Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 30 October 1919, p. 13. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article157035943
8 Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 17 August 1922, p. 23. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article155747408
9 Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 23 August 1923, p. 13. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article155629870
10 Mudgee Guardian, Monday 29 September 1924, p. 7. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article156056487
11 Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 27 August 1925, p. 14. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article156050378
12 Mudgee Guardian, Monday 5 October 1925, p. 5. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article155950170
13 Mudgee Guardian, Monday 26 November 1928, p. 5. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article156065112
14 Mudgee Guardian, Wednesday 31 July 1929, p. 5. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article155963669
15 Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 21 August 1930, p. 13. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article156250713
16 Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 6 August 1931, p. 4. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article156276918
17 Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 3 November 1932, p. 4. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article160971545
18 Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 17 November 1932, p. 4. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article160966158
19 Mudgee Guardian, Monday 8 September 1947, p. 7. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article156402642
20 Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 29 September 1949, p. 8. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article156448992
21 Mudgee Guardian, Monday 20 March 1950, p. 12. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article156458228

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