
Wollar Wollara Station

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29 August 1901
Mr. C. H. Gallagher, of Wollara station, was present at the Singleton show, and had a number of horse entries1 .


26 November 1908
A large number of young thoroughbreds are now roaming the paddocks of Mr. Hunter White's Wollara station, near Wollar. The property is managed by Mr. Pyne, than whom there is none better as a custodian of horses2 .


19 September 1911
MUDGEE, Monday. - A fire occurred at Wollara homestead at an early hour this morning. The inmates were aroused by a crackling and roaring noise, and it was discovered that the kitchen and storeroom were blazing furiously. The manager (Mr. J. Pyne), with the assistance of a lad and the female occupants, succeeded in saving the main dwelling. The plucky fighters were quite exhausted, and Mr. Pyne's hands and foot were severely burnt. The kitchen, a detached building, and its contents, were totally consumed3 .


26 November 1928
Portion of 'Wollara' station, owned by Mr. Hunter White, and situated in the Wollar and Bylong districts, is to be submitted to public auction on Friday next. The Sandy Hollow - Gulgong - Maryvale railway line, which has been sanctioned by Parliament, will pass through the land4 .

3 December 1928
Important Sale
A large number of buyers were present at Messrs. Crossing and Cox's rooms on Friday, November 30, when there were submitted to auction three portions of Mr. Hunter White's well known 'Wollara' property. Buyers were present from Singleton, Narrabri, Sydney, Trangie, Trundle, Cobbora, Goolma, Bylong, Rylstone and many parts of the surrounding district. Lot 2 comprising 1504 acres 0 rds. 1 perches, was the first block offered, and after spirited competition was knocked down to Mr. C. E Combes at £5 10s per acre. Lot 3 was also purchased by the same buyer after good competition at £4 10s per acre, and lot 1 was passed in at auction at £2 12 6 per acre, but was sold immediately afterwards at a considerably increased price to Messrs. J. J. and A. W. Sheehan, of Botobolar. At the conclusion of the sale Mr. Combes also purchased several other portions of 'Wollara.' The prices realised are regarded as very satisfactory by all parties, and the agents are to be complimented on bringing the sale to a successful conclusion5 .


1 September 1947
Wollara Estate Suitable For Land Settlement
Wollara estate, Wollar, which is considered suitable for war service land settlement, is being held up because of the offer of an adjoining holding. Commonwealth and State authorities, the Minister for Lands (Mr. Sheahan) has told Captain Dunn, consider Wollara suitable for settlement by ex-servicemen, but action towards its acquisition has been held up temporarily as a result of an offer by Mr. P. F. Parkes, of land in the vicinity of the estate. 'The question,' the Minister continued, 'of whether this area should be considered in conjunction with Wollara is now under reference to the Closer Settlement Advisory Board.' The Minister added that he has asked the board to consider the matter as one of urgency.
'The unfortunate death of Mr. Hunter White,' the Minister went on, 'has prevented the completion of the Havilah purchase. The executors have not yet been able to obtain probate and therefore, are not in a position to complete the surrender of the land.' He concluded by saying that this is the only matter which is holding up settlement. All action in the department has been completed, and gazettal will be effected immediately the purchase money is paid to the owners6 .


1 LOCAL BREVITIES. (1901, August 29). Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954), p. 11. Retrieved December 3, 2024, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article156180923
2 Local Brevities. (1908, November 26). Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954), p. 17. Retrieved December 3, 2024, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article157660497
3 FIRE AT WOLLARA HOMESTEAD. (1911, September 19). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883 - 1930), p. 11. Retrieved December 3, 2024, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article238863505
4 "WOLLARA" STATION (1928, November 26). Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954), p. 14. Retrieved December 3, 2024, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article156065132
5 Important Sale (1928, December 3). Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved December 3, 2024, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article156063964
6 Wollara Estate Suitable For Land Settlement (1947, September 1). Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954), p. 3. Retrieved December 3, 2024, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article156405228

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