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Gulgong Far West Children's Health Scheme

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4 July 1932
Rev. S. G. Drummond's Visit
A BRANCH of the Far West Children's Health Scheme was formed in Gulgong at a public meeting in the Town Hall on Wednesday evening last.
The Mayor (Ald. A. E. Souter) presided, and the scheme was explained by the founder, the Rev. S. G. Drummond.
Others present were: Rev. T. K. Gibson, Major Johnston, Dr. L. W. Tunley, Messrs. C. E. Tickner, O. M. O'Reilly, R. O. Drew, T. Amies, P. Barton, Mesdames J. G. Curry, - Harrowell, R. Laing, C. Watt, A. E. Wilde, I. F. Barnes, Matron Snelson and Miss M. Haines.
Apologies were received from Messrs. L. A. Swan, C. Watt, Mesdames J. H. Stahl and Miss A. Snelson.
In the course of his remarks the Rev. Mr. Drummond said that he had written to the town council two or three years ago, and had been informed that it wasn't thought that there were any crippled children. However, he thought he would come along and see for himself. The Wellington Town Council had replied in similar strain tome years ago, but as a result of his visit the local doctor had found that there were 22 crippled children, of whom little was known. In nearly every case where they had made a survey they had found cases which had not been near a local doctor.
Their idea of the scheme was to form a local branch and get the people to search for crippled children, and if cases cropped up the organisation existed to deal with them. The local doctors were able to recommend cases and had the necessary forms to make the applications. He wanted the local people to say if a case was a suitable one for the scheme to handle.
Referring to the finding of malnourished children, he said that in different places he had heard people say that something ought to be done for those children, but everybody's business was nobody's business. 'We should say,' he said. 'If it requires to be done it shall be done.' He said he would like the local people to form a committee and elect officers to carry on the work. He emphasised that part of their scheme was to go out and look for work.
He referred to the great assistance rendered by the C.W.A., and stated that those who had been interested in the scheme wanted to feel that they did not want to leave any children untouched.
Dr. Tunley said he thought the scheme was an excellent one. On his motion it was resolved to form a local branch.
The following officers were elected:- President, the Mayor; vice presidents, Drs. R. M. Allport, L. W. Tunley and Marjorie Tunley; hon. secretary. Miss A. Snelson; hon. treasurer, Mrs. C. Watt; investigation officer, Mr. O. M. O'Reilly. The appointment of a welfare officer was left in abeyance.
Before the meeting closed the Rev. Mr. Drummond said that they did stress on their committee and secretaries that there must be no interference with or selection of local doctors on behalf of children, the matter being one for their family doctor in each case.
A vote of thanks to the Rev. Mr. Drummond and the Mayor was proposed by Mr. Amies and carried1 .


1 FAR WEST SCHEME (1935, July 4). Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954), p. 13. Retrieved October 15, 2024, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article162519665

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