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25 June 1925
New Church at Lue DR. LONG DEDICATES ST. LUKE'S. IMPRESSIVE SERVICES. June 21, 1925, will long be remembered by the people of Lue for the impressive and beautiful service held on that date. The ceremony of dedication and consecration of St. Luke's Church was performed by the Bishop of Bathurst, Dr. Long, assisted by Canon Parr, of Mudgee, Canon Wilton, of Bathurst, and the Rev. W. V. Thompson, rector of the Rylstone parish, in which the new church is situated. The choir of the Rylstone Church gave their services for the occasion, and Miss Myra Thompson was organist. Mr. Winfield read the petition for consecration. Then the bishop, having knocked three times on the door, proceeded with the choir and clergy up the nave, singing a psalm. The service followed with the blessing of the font, lectern, prayer desk, chancel steps, choir, and altar. Canon Parr, acting as registrar, read the deed of consecration. The bishop then consecrated the new building in the name of St. Luke. In his address. Dr. Long stressed the fact that he was very pleased with the building which that day the people had given to God. If Australia was to develop fully it would be through the spread of rural population - through a rural Australia which God had given us rich and wonderful and not through the congested cities and slums. Australia was ours in trust to develop for the whole world and the Empire to which we belong. The type of church being erected in country centres was much finer than that of some years ago, and he would quote the little church at Lue as being one among a few which he was very pleased with both inside and out. The inside showed warmth, and reverence, while the outside was good to look upon. The bishop then proceeded with the dedication of the stained glass windows in the chancel, given by Mr. C. B. Coombes, of Lue in memory of his sister, Alice Hermine Coombes, who died Aug. 17, 1924. Before the close of the service the rector, on behalf of his congregation, presented the bishop with a studded silver key to commemorate the opening of the new church. The bishop referred to the magnificent gifts given to the church by Mr. Coombes. Had it not been for his help the church would not have reached its present stage. The service then closed with the singing of the hymn "The Church's One Foundation." Vestrymen present were Messrs. J. Mumford and J. Thompson, while Mr. J. Winfield was here, there and everywhere, seeing to the comforts of the large congregation. Special mention should be made of Mr. Winfield for the earnest work he has done in connection with the erection of the building. CONFIRMATION SERVICE. A confirmation service was held at 3 p.m., and again the church was filled to overflowing. The following candidates were presented: Clifford Freeburn, Robert Holland, Jack Stewart Wright, Vernon Smede, William Walsh, Walter Ritchie, Richard Holland, Alice Mabel Freeburn, Rita Ann Thompson, Amy Malvern, Waverney Batten, Florence Batten, Ivy Ritchie, Ethel Ritchie, Madge Makepiece, Thora Holland, Ivy Smede, Olive Grace Smede. The bishop preached a beautiful and impressive sermon to the candidates, and in simple words stressed the importance of religion in our lives. He then proceeded with the laying on of hands. DEBT OF £150. The church cost £651 and there is still a debt of £150 to be paid. It is a fine testimony to the skill of the contractor, Mr. Rayner. Thanks must be expressed to the R.C. portion of the community for the help they have given since the commencement of the building fund some years ago. The bishop and Canon Wilton were entertained at lunch by Mr. and Mrs. Harris, of Lue Station. Canon and Mrs. Parr, the rector and his wife, and the choir and visitors from Rylstone lunched with some of the congregation on the ground1