
Lue Goldfields

Gold Again.


(From Our Correspondent.)

There is great excitement. at Lue over a new discovery of gold in a quartz reef, about 14 miles south of Lue Post Office. Mr. C. Laut. of Clandulla. has an application to portions of Mr. Coomb's private land. Some time ago he found a chute of gold bearing stone in a reef which has never been prospected below surface scratching about two feet deep. Mr. Laut has opened the reef in three different places, and has attained a depth of about 4ft., with the stone still carrying gold. The reef is 2ft. feet wide, loaded with arsenical; pyrites, lead crystals, and galena. On inspection, the writer can honestly say that he saw dollied from the reef some of the best prospects he has seen on the Lue goldfields since his arrival. Some of the. sample dollied free gold up to 20oz. to the ton. About two grains were crushed from about 1/2lb. of stone, and several prospects showed 2oz. stone. Nothing could be crushed from the reef anywhere without producing good strong colors.

Mr. Laut is now getting his shaft in readiness for sinking, and is busy cutting timber, etc.. for logging up. He intends to sink to a depth of 100ft. to get into the sulphide zone where minerals and goId should enrich the stone. The sinking will cut different chutes dipping south, which, he has proved, reached the surface north of his shaft, and in which free gold can be dollied. Since the discovery of gold on Mr. Laut's property two blocks of 25 acres each have been applied for adjoining Mr. Laut's. north and south, by local residents. The Lue Goldmining Syndicate are nearing completion of their flotation of £5000. and' contracts are being let for development work to be gone on with at an early date. This property is showing very good prospects. For the last two weeks work has exposed a defined quartz reel running N.F. by S.W between two slate wall. It is to be hoped that the new discoveries may brighten the mining prospects of the Lue district, and cause much practical prospecting to be done. which is badly needed in this well denned gold bearing belt.1

1 Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative. ‘Gold Again.’ 15 October 1923. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article155635503.

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