
Pyramul Gold Diggings


5 January 1852
Commenced ascending that tremendous mountain called the Pyramul Hill, at the foot of which a Mr. Clapham is busily employed in erecting a large and commodious building which he intends opening for a public house on the 1st. of July next; on going up the hill the horses showed symptoms of fatigue, however, the poor brutes endeavoured creditably to reach the top in less than an hour, and from thence to Louisa Creek there is a splendid table land which extends over a piece of country about 18 miles. No sooner had we come to the next water hole than we stopped to dinner and the scene which presented itself when we went to fetch some water, reminded ns completely of the delightful rambles which the native fields and meadows of "Old Ireland," afforded us in our earliest years, indeed one would think that he was inhaling the sweetness of the returning spring when the traveller spends a few minutes viewing the splendid and rich foliage of the Pyramul table land. In fact the rich green pasture and the colour of the plants which present themselves to the view tell you that the hand of nature has been at work there, indeed the whole appearance cannot fail to attract the attention and admiration of all travellers. No sooner were we on the road again than we met a friend who informed us that on Mr. Suttor's land at Pyramul some new diggings had been discovered below the head station on the creek, and that several parties were located there and doing well. Our party upon hearing of such intelligence determined upon paying them a visit and accordingly one and all started afresh and arrived on the digging ground about 4 o'clock in the evening. Upon arriving at the ground in which we were informed that the hidden treasure lay secreted we silently passed along and the rocking of cradles and the numbers of those employed afforded us no small surprise and amusement. As we approached a friend cautiously to inquire of him how he was getting on, be made us the following laconic reply, "If I lose a minute I lose a shilling." On approaching another party, one of them who seemed to be a remarkably good tempered youth informed us that the generality of those who were at work were making a quarter of an ounce to an ounce daily, he also stated that Mr. Crook and his son got 2 ozs. daily for several days; conversed with some of our old acquaintances and learnt from them that Messrs. Wren's party, Moloney's party, Ryan's party, have been very successful since they commenced operations; Woodwarth's party cleared upwards of £100 in three weeks. Returned to the drays again and found that our partners had, daring our absence, rigged the tent, and immediately after had supper and all went to bed contented hoping that there was better times coming. Monday, May 10th, we prospected in one of the back creek's and tried the surface in several places and found gold, and upon meeting with such indications we all set too and washed the top surface but our success was not as great as we at first anticipated, however, when we take into consideration the time that was wasted in carting off the stuff about two hundreds yards to the main creek besides cutting a sheet of bark which we constructed into a long torn (for to puddle and wash the earth for the clay is of such a stiff nature that it is very difficult to wash in the cradle without soaking) and the making of the frame for the cradle we can assure you that we got about ten shillings worth of the glittering treasure to our own share. Tuesday, 11th., Croak's party get an ounce today and John O'Brien and Gallagher's party got three quarters of an ounce between three of them. Today the same party got an ounce besides a nugget weighing about an ounce, we have no reason to complain of our own party's earnings this day, we believe it is something less than three quarters of an ounce between the five of us. Several other parties who are averse to having their names brought forward are doing well. Wednesday, 12th., to day some new arrivals came on the ground from the Dirt Holes, and commenced taking the earth in tin dishes on their heads from the point above us and done very well; Bryan's party have again been lucky today they got an ounce and a half and £1 worth of a nugget.
Howlets party of two got an ounce, our party have also made wages say 15s. each man. Thursday and Friday we got an ounce each day, and on Saturday after a hard days work, we got an ounce and three quarters, many others on the creek these last days made from one to two ounces per day. Sunday 16, this morning three teams from Maitland came on the ground, and disposed of upwards of £30 of their loading, which consists of flour, tea, sugar and tobacco; the flour was bought at the rate of 32s. a cwt., and tobacco, 2s. 6d., and sugar by the bag, 3½d. per lb. This evening we took a walk up to Mr. Murnane's, where we met a couple of troopers, who informed us that two men at Louisa Creek, got a nugget weighing 135 ounces, at an angle of a creek, and at the depth of about 17 feet. The party suddenly dropped on the lump just as they were going to give up. Monday 17, this morning was very gloomy, threatening clouds of a black nature hung around us all day, and from their close proximity to the earth we anticipate a very heavy fall of rain ere long. Our party worked hard this day, and the gold we got we assure you was well earned, the gold was coarse, or what they call nuggety, several of the lads moved up to our creek this morning, and began to work, and one party of them who took the adjoining claim to us, got about three quarters of an ounce out of three longtoms full of earth. Tuesday, an old man who went out prospecting in the afternoon among the adjoining hills, found a nugget weighing 2 ounces, he speaks well of the place, but he still keeps the whereabouts a secret. Fogerty's party have been prospecting the flats since yesterday, and brought down several dishes of the earth , and washed it alongside our cradle and procured gold, say from ten to twenty grains in each. It is perhaps, needless to inform you, that a large portion of Mr. Suttor's land hereabouts, remains untouched as yet, and we doubt will remain so until some of the hardy diggers of the Turon will persevere and settle themselves there, and then its auriferous treasure will be found more abundantly. The land is well watered, and it would far exceed our limits, even to give a slight sketch of its permanency, but we believe, the water is more permanent than at any other diggings at this side of the Turon, the creek too has extensive frontage, and winds through a course of from 50 to 60 miles to its junction with the Macquarie River, we had a severe storm last night accompanied with rain, it lasted until 8 o'clock this morning, Wednesday, when the weather cleared up, and our party went to work and before sundown, netted about £5 worth of gold, and we assure you, it was well earned, however, there is one thing that if we slave from morning till night, and luck follows us as it has done since we became a gold digger, we shan't be leaping from the frying pan into the fire, as some of our neighbours anticipated, but will leap rakingly into a steady business. Assistant Commissioner Prat visited the diggings this afternoon, and just before he hove in sight the word 'go it you cripples crutches are cheap,' was echoed from one end of the diggings to the other, and those who could not afford to pay the Government loyalty scampered np the hills, one poor fellow named Meyers, and who only came on the ground the Monday previous, refused to pay the license, but Mr. Prat nothing undaunted, ordered the trooper who accompanied him, to handcuff him; Mr. Meyers upon seeing the manacles in the hands of the officer, cried out sir, 'me pay him license,' and immediately after launched out half an ounce of gold for himself and mate. We believe Mr. Assistant Commissioner Prat or Flat, issued about 17 licences before he left. We walked down the creek with Mr. Prat, and from the conversation we had with him, we learnt that at the Long Creek mostly all the diggers that are located there are doing well, and that there is plenty of room for hundreds on the creek, and constant arrivals are daily taking place. Thursday 20, a Mr. Woodworth who holds one of the adjoining claims to us, got a little nest of nuggets before dinner, the largest weighed about 2 ounces, and the smallest something less than two pennyweights. A man from the Bald Hills today called at our camp and informed us, that many parties there are making from one to three ounces a day, and those who are sinking shafts and tunnelling are making fortunes. Friday 21, last night we had another heavy squall accompanied with rain, Friday has also been a disagreeable day with misling rain at intervals, throughout this night the rain poured down, incessantly, and before morning the creek ran; however, the few parties who were at work done exceedingly well. Our party cleared about 15s. each man. The Bombboatman has been around these last few days here, and his appearance was bailed with three cheers, from those who were in want of a nip. The boys are a little jolly again today, (Saturday) they amuse themselves by sinking, shouting, and swearing most vociferously, even. Tom the Piper is as noisy as any of them in one of the back gullies. A gentleman from the Dirt Holes stopped here today on his way to Mr. Murnane's, and tells us that many of the claims at those diggings which was supposed to be very rich, are nearly deserted. In fact, he said that the digging population is not as numerous as formerly, and that many parties who had recourse to tunnelling, and met with but little success, left quite disheartened with the place. There was heavy rain there during the first few days. Respecting the World's End diggings, we have to inform you, that the miners are increasing fast there, and that several of the parties who are at work there are doing well. Sunday, we hear today that at the junction of the Turon, new diggings have been discovered, and many parties are wending their way to the new discovery, but with what success they meet with after their arrival, we have not been able to learn as yet. The Louisa Creek quartz crushing company, licensed a piece of quartz land in that locale lately, for the purpose of crushing the quartz rock, already they have procured a fine sample of gold from the land, and which we believe has been sent to Sydney. The diggers on the Turon this week has been rather dull, and some time will elapse before they can maintain their former character. There is abundance of gold no doubt to be had there, particularly from the bed diggings, but the late rains have again inundated the holes, so that in many places the bed cannot be worked, nor can we form an idea when the water subsides to admit (he auriferous treasure to be extracted from its hidden place. There was heavy rain there last night, and it is raining now, and has every appearance of a continuance. P. S1 .


3 June 1854
We learn from an authentic source that the rush to the Pyramul has merely subsided. Still there are comers and goers - men who come and dig for a day or two, prove unsuccessful and "roll up their blankets," whilst others more fortunate, remain. Being a nuggetty country it is either good luck or no luck at all. The digger either makes what on the diggings are termed very good wages, which means about four times the income of a petty German Prince, twice that of an English attorney, or three times that of a Scotch doctor in ordinary practice, earns as much as the conjoined incomes of all three or does nothing at all. A son of Mr. P. Crook's, publican of the Pyramul lately dug up a nugget weighing 9 ozs. 16 dwts., and another of 4½ ozs. which were sold to Mr. Suttor. The diggers are beginning to spread themselves out and try new ground. It is said that from certain indications which have not been described to us, they are confident of meeting with something superior2 .


15 December 1857
On the Pyramul there is a slight improvement in the aspect of affairs. Some ground opened close to the road has proved payable, and one or two patches have been hit upon towards the upper part of the gully. The number of those at present holding payable ground is greater than it has been for some time past. As the ground about the present workings gets worn out it is probable the miners will spread in the direction of Long Creek, where two or three parties have been doing very well for some few weeks past, near Wigram's public house, having had the wisdom to hold their tongues on the subject of their earnings. The gold is of a heavy character, and where hit upon the deposit is pretty general. About three miles lower down the Creek some Chinamen are working, and from what can be picked up from one of their party, who speaks broken English and betrays his countrymen, this mob must have been getting a great deal of gold for some time past. At the Bogy, although the prospectors have given up, an old woman, residing near Mr. Dougherty's sheep station, has proved that gold does exist and in payable quantities in that vicinity. This old lady's duties consist in looking after a paddock under cultivation, and in her leisure hours she has been in the habit of amusing herself with the miner's arms, the washing operation being performed with a tin dish simply. Working in this primitive manner, the amount of the old lady's work for last week was £2.15s. The washing stuff is surfacing. Besides this a piece of half an ounce was picked up by the shepherd's children a few days since in the same vicinity. The whole of this gold is in the possession of Mr. Edward Dougherty, of Dun Dun. The sample is of a very pure and solid description, and evidently of a high quality. Mr. Dougherty will afford every information to parties who may wish to prospect in this very promising locality, in which it must be borne in mind heavy pieces of the precious metal have from time to time been found. The parties working on the Pyramul Creek are in most instances making wages, which although not high have the recommendation of being very steady, enabling a man to live in comfort, and always have a few pounds in his pocket. 5th December, 18573 .

22 December 1857
Whilst the neighbouring diggings are languishing for want of water those at the Pyramul rejoice in an abundant supply of the element so essential to our mining operations. In some of the ground it is even too abundant to be pleasant, but in no instance insurmountable. A great number have recently left the Pyramul, and it consequently presents rather a forsaken aspect, but the exodus has had the effect of greatly reducing 'the number of the unsuccessful. Those remaining here are for the most part earning something above mere rations, and a few are doing "a stroke." The shallow ground opened near the road turned out a pretty good patch, some of the claims having paid four and five ounces per man for the week's work. The gold runs coarse amongst others a nugget of five ounces was taken out. The Crudine rush, as was. anticipated, has turned out a failure, and most of those who went from the Pyramul have returned without having obtained a pennyweight. It appears that some Chinamen struck a small patch of payable ground on a point in the vicinity of Buckley's station, and most exaggerated reports of the quantity obtained by the Celestials getting into circulation caused the rush. The majority of the Chinamen, however, have left the place, and the Europeans are fast following their example. The Pyramul River some two or three miles below the present diggings is attracting the attention of the diggers here, and should it turn out to be of any account will be able to give employment to a large number of men.
14th December, 18574 .


5 January 1858
Three or four miles from Long Creek we reached the Pyramul diggings, on which we found about a couple of hundred diggers residing, and to judge from the merry manner in which they were spending their Christmas, they are mostly doing well. Various opinions have been and are still expressed respecting the capabilities of the Pyramul. Many have resided on these diggings for years, and have done well; and looking at its position between the Crudine and the Meroo, and the very promising indications abounding in the district it has the appearance of a very extensive and payable gold-field. A large population has never yet been resident upon the Pyramul, neither has any very rich ground been opened, nevertheless the average success of the diggers has perhaps been as good as on any gold-field in New South Wales. At present the miners are congregated on ground that has been much worked, and are mostly sinking for blocks. A short time must terminate this kind of work, when they will be compelled either to strike out for new ground or depart for other diggings. In the present state of the gold-fields, the former most likely will be the course adopted, and the Pyramul probably will be found to be capable of maintaining a very large population. The gold here is mostly of a heavy description and irregularly deposited - hence the dissatisfaction expressed by many, working on the place5 .

26 January 1858
During the past week or two we have had nothing but excitement at the Pyramul. More gold has been getting here during that period than for some time previously; and we have had the Commissioner to settle disputed claims in several instances, very rare occurrence in this usually quiet settlement, in the old ground the returns have been much better than they were, many places having turned out well which former holders had abandoned. The gardens facing Price's Store have been rushed, greatly to the horror of their proprietors ; how ever, there was no remedy, the diggers fancied the place and rushed it - all that the crop owners could do was to gather everything in the shape of vegetable matter sufficiently advanced for culling and let the diggers fall to. A great many holes have been put down which turned out the usual average of "shicers" and some very good claims. The gold in the gardens, like that in the adjoining ground, is of a very coarse character, nuggets of from one to five ounces having been found, together with some good patches of small gold. The sinking runs from six to 12 feet, and some of the ground is very wet; the wet ground, however, about these diggings is mostly the richest. The Pyramul is gradually becoming more known to the diggers, and the number at work on it is on the increase, and looking at the exhausted character of most of the goldfields on this side of the colonies, it is not saying too much of this place to pronounce it one of the best diggings we have. Comparatively little ground has yet been opened, and all that has been opened has turned out well, and been but partially worked, so that the Pyramul stands in the position of almost a new gold field, the resources of which are at present unknown. Surrounded as it is on all sides by diggings, every one of which has been highly productive, and looking to what has already been done here, there seems good reason to suppose that this gold field is as rich as any of its neighbours have been. Gold is selling freely at £3 15s. per ounce.
19th January, 1858.
Two or three thunder showers have given us a partial supply of water, and once more there is a display of vigour amongst the miners, but it is very doubtful whether this will bring back the number who have loft within the past few week. With the Paling Yards abandoned, the Washing Gully almost in a similar condition, the new gully giving little more than rations, and the Green Valley Creek left to three or four workers; there is little hope at present of any large increase in our population. The old ground about Golden Gully seems in the most favour, but from the heavy nature of the work very little beyond small wages can be made there, and this cannot last much longer. The fact that Tambaroora has for nearly six years supported a large population on the lime ground proves beyond a question how rich that ground must have been in the first instance, but the time is now at hand when this old ground must be exhausted and something new opened or Tambaroora must be deserted. The Chinamen and the Pug Mills are rapidly using up every spot where a pennyweight is known to exist, and it rests with the men of business here to make an effort to direct the energies of the working population to the development of the large tract of untried country which surrounds these diggings. Two or three hundred pounds subscribed as the reward for the discovery of a payable gold field within five miles of Tambaroora, would give an impetus to prospecting which would result in the discovery of something to induce a large population to migrate to our neighbourhood. In the present depressed condition of all the diggings any new discovery of a gold field of but medium quality would lead to a larger "rush" than this colony has seen for years, nearly every man on the mines being ready to start off for the favoured locality on hearing of even a pennyweight to the tub. Gold remains at £3 15s. 9d. per ounce.
18th January, 18586 .

9 February 1858
Gardening is still the favourite amusement of the Pyramul diggers, who are ruthlessly turning up Mr. Price's potatoes and cabbages in many instances with as little profit to themselves as to Mr. Price. A few good patches, however, have been struck amongst the vegetables, but as there is nothing like a lead, much of the ground has been abandoned, so that a portion of the esculents may probably reach maturity. Some of our storekeepers stand charged with having been oblivious of the laws regulating the sale of intoxicating liquors - no less than three informations having been filed by one party against them. Of course, until conviction, the plea will be not guilty. No new ground has yet been opened, although a good many are out prospecting; but as no inducement is offered to proclaim any fresh discovery, any party making such will, as a matter of course, do their utmost to keep it to themselves as long as possible. The intelligence from the Crudine is by no means improving; but two or three parties are doing anything, and but very few remaining on the creek. At the Pyramul, on the other hand, the number of hands is on the increase, and, with additional numbers, there is the more prospect of something beyond the present limited field being opened. Gold is selling at £3 15s. per ounce. 1st February, 18587 .


18 April 1864
April 14th - I am very sorry to inform you that some one or more persons prigs or prig so many copies of my Empire, that I am under the necessity to make a formal complaint. Only think, I am a poor, miserable sinner living among savage mountains, with no exhortations to either truth, honesty, or morality but what I derive from reading (if it were not that I abhor being suspected of flattery, I would say) the Empire and some other papers, and almost every week I am deprived of a copy of the Empire. Today, I am "minus" an Empire and a Bathurst Free Press. Who ever is the "prig" he may be assured I do not thank him for his mean dishonesty. But if he be a "poor man" I will be one to subscribe 5s. per year to help him to pay for a daily Empire for himself, and perhaps he would be converted by it from the error of his ways. I assure you since I read your paper, I have become an out and out free trader; a thorough free-selector; a "free-thinker" on all subjects approachable by human reason; a direct taxation man; a manhood suffrage advocate; a detester of all parliamentary humbug, and a great opponent of the unrighteous tax upon the transit of the only native literature we have. Now, seeing I derive so many advantages from reading the Empire, I do hope you will permit this bit of complaint to be published, which may lead to the cure of the "priggish" propensities I am thus forced to expose. Upon my honour, I as freely forgive all past tricks with my paper as I welcome fine weather after long cold rains in these mountains. By-the-bye you must stick close to these sad parliament men. I always thought parliament men were learned and rich gentlemen (except such radicals as Cobbett) and studied the good of their country night and day; but I find from the reports of their speeches in your journal; many of our Parliament men are men I never can respect, either for their wisdom, goodness; or eloquence. Don't you think we can cram Parkes some how or other among our Parliament men next session? Capital speech that of his reported last week in the Empire. Will you forgive me adding just a sprig of news? There are 400 diggers on the Pyramul. A great deal of gold is being separated from our "mother earth." Five publicans applied for licenses for houses on or near to the Pyramul Rush, on Tuesday last, and will probably have them granted next Tuesday, 19th instant. Many go away without salt. On Monday morning last, I saw many ounces of small nuggetty gold weighed, got at the Pyramul rush. The scale which held the gold was upheaped. Last week, Johnson got eighteen ounces, and on Monday last two ounces more. Some few have been lucky several times, but many others have been wholly unfortunate. Unhappily some of the fortunate ones never work again till they have knocked down the last find, even if it amounted to £100 or more. But I think such foolery is very criminal, and I would like you to touch them up in the Empire about such unmanly profligacy. When mentioning my trouble, about having my Empire "prigged" so often to my next neighbour, he told me he was often served the same way. This week he is two short. Can't you tell "the prigs" what a flagrant offence it is to steal taxed newspapers8 .


18 May 1872
The Times correspondent writes - The reef at Bolga, lately opened by Smith and party, I think is likely to turn out something above the common; the party are now down 9 or 10 feet, the vein getting thicker and showing really handsome stone; and unlike most of the recently found veins, this one carries gold from wall to wall, not only in the stone but in the loose dirt. Next to this party, to the South No. 1 10-acre lease, Mr. Price and party have struck the vein, showing gold, and as they intend working next week in earnest something good will no doubt soon be struck. Higher up the hill the colour has been obtained but no one has yet succeeded in finding the right vein. On the north work has scarcely been commenced, and until the baseline be officially laid down, there will be but little progress made. The ground is taken up for a long distance each side of the creek and fair offers have been made for shares, and refused. The party in Tindall's vein are pushing their work forward with vigour and from the description of gold obtained from it, little doubt can be entertained of their ultimate success. A trial lot of half a ton was sent to the Mint, the result of which will soon be known. This is from a lode which once turned out some 40 or 50 oz., and the general opinion is that at a depth a very rich vein will be found. I hear that some ground has been taken up near Tindall's vein and that it is a fact that good specimens have often been found. The fact that Bolga und the hills in the neighbourhood of the Pyramul contain vast riches is being made clear by the opening up of these small veins, which must eventually lead the persevering to the attainment of their brightest hopes9 .

14 June 1872
THE reefs at Bolga Creek are now gaining some notoriety. The assertions that good veins existed in this locality, that have from time to time been made, are now proved beyond doubt. A trial crushing has been sent to Mrs. Tucker's machine at Clarke's Creek; and I have no doubt that the result will equal the most sanguine expectations. I must record the opening of a splendid reef at the Upper Pyramul by Baker and party, on a ridge directly opposite Mr. W. Price's store. The vein is 3 feet wide and gold is plainly visible throughout the stone. The country bounding this Creek is intersected by innumerable quartz reefs, which will eventually prove rich, and from the number of veins found within the last few weeks, there is a field for speculation second to none in Australia. The Nuggetty Gully veins are looking well, gold having been found on two of them that gives hope that the day is not far distant when their riches will be unearthed. On the Eaglehawk veins, Clarke's Creek, the new vein the Colleen Bawn has been floated for L10,000, and there is reason to hope that other companies will soon be found to develop the riches of those long neglected hills. Having experienced in these localities as a practical miner, I have no hesitation in averring that there are as good reefs here as in any part of New South Wales10 .

6 July 1872
No little amount of excitement has been caused here by the opening up of so much of this part of the country for gold-mining purposes. Notwithstanding Hill End and Tambaroora causing such stir, and people blowing about making fortunes in a day, we at the Lower Pyramul do not mean to be quite in the background, in fact it would not surprise me, from the amount of gold obtained at the surface diggings here not long since, that our quartz reefs will equal if not excel many of those gigantic reefs at Hill End. The Perseverance prospectors' claim has opened up well; I hear some of the shares were sold in Sydney last week at tip top prices. Smith's line of reef promises wonders yet for our mining speculators; Jones's line of reef will shortly be opened; Tindall's have commenced operations. The prospectors claim belonging to Tindall and Brown, is now being floated in Sydney. They are vigorously pushing forward their work; the stone perceptibly increases in richness as they descend; the quartz they are now raising will go, I estimate, about 10oz to the ton, though some think a good deal more; the shaft is down 35ft, and they expect to strike the reef at 50ft. If the stone equals what they are now raising, it will be a very rich mine. I saw fifteen tons at grass which, according to their average will go about 6oz to the ton, this will all go into the company now forming; all the rest of the line of reef is looking remarkably well. If one could only conveniently call it Hawkins' Hill, people would open their purses and purchase all up in no time. Owing to the post closing in a few minutes I must defer the rest of my observations for a few days11 .


4 December 1886
The old diggings nearly drained of gold. The Crudine reefs are looking favorable. The last crushing went 7ozs to the ton. A number of men on the ground, and miles of country pegged out. Mr. Beyers, of Hill End, who has shares in the reefs, is about to put a crushing machine on the ground. When this is done there will be a great encouragement for working the ground.


19 July 1890
The following report upon the mines situated in the Pryamul, Hargraves, and Windeyer districts has been forwarded to the Minister for Mines and Agriculture by Mr. W. H. J. Slee, F.L.S., Chief Inspector. It is dated Hill End, 30th June, and is addressed to the Under-Secretary: - "I do myself the honour to inform you that since my last report some of the Pyramul, Windeyer, and Hargraves mines have been inspected, and applications for aid dealt with. Very little mining with the exception of sluicing is now being carried on at the once-famous Pyramul diggings, and, from my personal knowledge, for a number of years past, I cannot do otherwise than reiterate my former reports on the Pyramul and Windeyer districts, that said districts are never likely to become famous through their quartz-mining industry, as with the exception of the reefs near the head of Clark's Creek, such as the Jubilee and one or two others, the searching for and working large quartz veins will be disappointing. The quartz generally has a barren appearance, although a few isolated specimens of gold may be discovered. Small fragmentary or disconnected quartz veins may, however, be met with, containing rich patches and short shoots of gold. Instead of sinking shafts at haphazard near a large blow of quartz and then connecting the shafts with drives, which is expensive, and out of 99 cases in a hundred will lead to waste of money expended, trench ing to the bedrock is the only systematical and economical way to prospect for quartz veins in these districts, and to sink and drive after the shoot of gold, if any, has been discovered by the aforesaid method12 .


1 VILLAGE OF PEEL. (1852, June 5). The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator (Sydney, NSW : 1848-1856), p. 6. Retrieved April 21, 2023, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article251533498
2 THE PYRAMUL. (1854, June 3). Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (NSW : 1851 - 1904), p. 2. Retrieved April 18, 2023, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article62048372
3 THE PYRAMUL. (1857, December 15). Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1875), p. 5. Retrieved April 18, 2023, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article60264976
4 THE PYRAMUL. (1857, December 22). Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1875), p. 5. Retrieved April 18, 2023, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article60262869
5 A CHRISTMAS RAMBLE THROUGH SOME OF THE WESTERN DIGGINGS. (1858, January 5). Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1875), p. 5. Retrieved April 22, 2023, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article60266206
6 THE PYRAMUL. (1858, January 26). Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1875), p. 3. Retrieved April 18, 2023, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article60267363
7 THE PYRAMUL. (1858, February 9). Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1875), p. 4. Retrieved April 21, 2023, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article60263294
8 THE PYRAMUL DIGGINGS. (1864, April 18). Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1875), p. 5. Retrieved April 21, 2023, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article60583278
9 THE PYRAMUL. (1872, May 18). The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (NSW : 1843 - 1893), p. 2. Retrieved April 18, 2023, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article18763587
10 LOWER PYRAMUL (1872, June 14). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 4. Retrieved April 21, 2023, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article114735842
11 Lower Pyramul. (1872, July 6). Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870 - 1919), p. 15. Retrieved April 21, 2023, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article70495663
12 Pyramul and Hargraves. (1890, July 19). The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1871 - 1912), p. 162. Retrieved April 21, 2023, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article163645341

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