
Kandos Community Charity Shop

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17 June 2014
Charity shop launches booklet during its first birthday
The Community Charity Shop celebrated its first birthday recently with a week-long half-price sale culminating in the launch of a small booklet they have produced which is a guide to the businesses and services in the immediate area.

During the launch Ellen Riley from the charity shop said that when they tried out their business plan, of 'shop keeping' in the little shop across the road, raising funds for ChildFlight, they never dreamed they would become a registered charity in their own right.

'And here we are, standing on this side of the road in front of our own special shop. As individuals - all of us pensioners of one sort or another, we could never make much of a difference, but as a team, working together, we can make a difference in the community that is so far beyond anything that we can do by ourselves.'

In the first year alone they have been able to assist 24 groups, distributing over $23,000. Mrs Riley said she would like to acknowledge all of the volunteers who work for the charity shop.

'Thank you to Jennifer, Colleen, Helen, Dianne, Liz, Valda, Rita, Elizabeth, Margaret and Scott who work in the shop. Len, our Mr Fixit and behind the scenes, Barbara, Pat, Jo and Margaret, who all work at home checking and making for us. A special thank you also to the Kandos Men's Shed who check the electrical donations for us and the Concord group in Sydney who donate beautiful things for us to sell.

'We would also like to thank you all for your donations and to thank you for buying your treasures here. Recycling is fun.'

Mrs Riley said more than 70 booklets were sold on the first day.

'One lady used it immediately to call all the businesses she visited hoping to find something she had left behind. She called us to say thank you. How good is that'?

As well as being a guide to the businesses and services in the immediate area, the booklet contains a list of things to do, places to see, and places to stay. It will be available around Kandos and Rylstone in strategic places and a small contribution of $2 per book will cover the cost of printing.

The group is now working on the next reprint and they are very happy to receive written additions and corrections1 .


13 June 2016
Birthday celebrations at the Kandos Community Charity Shop
The Community Charity Shop in Kandos celebrated its third birthday on Wednesday with a huge cake specially baked for them by the Mountain View Bakery next door.

Volunteers, customers and supporters gathered at the shop for the special occasion with plenty of birthday wishes for the main-street establishment that has become an iconic part of Kandos in the three years since it began.

In that time volunteers have raised over $130,600 which has been distributed to groups, organisations and individuals across the district. It's a simple formula, with people dropping in their unwanted items or donating goods they can't use, which are then sold to those looking for a bargain.

The huge range of items are one of the keys to the shop's success. From glassware to clothing, picture frames to second-hand books - if you're looking for something unusual or hard to find elsewhere, chances are it may be in the shop.

Volunteers are another integral part of the charity shop's success. A dedicated group of them regularly attend to serve customers and organise items for shelves. This in itself is an act of charity and without them the shop wouldn't work.

During their celebrations, volunteers applauded the support they receive from the general public through donations and through purchasing items.

'We'd like to thank everyone for bringing and buying. You have been so generous and that has allowed us to be generous in return. Thank you so much2 .'


23 April 2021
Nanas safe
Volunteers at the Community Charity Shop have prepared, over the past six years, for the moment their building might go up for sale.

That moment arrived, and with it came a flurry of overwhelming anxiety for the volunteers who had fundraised tirelessly for a deposit to purchase the building, while putting hundreds of thousands of dollars back into the community.

The volunteers, known as the "Nanas" of Kandos, had raised an impressive $90,000 to purchase the space, but still needed much more. Momentum seemed to grind to a halt with about $60,000 still left to go.

The Charity Shop had sought assistance from the Government, including MP Paul Toole and MP Andrew Gee. But due to the unique nature of the charity, there were no grants available for the purpose of purchasing the building, which left fundraising as their only option.

The Nanas have now breathed a collective sigh of relief, after the Mid-Western Regional Council moved to grant $60,000 for the purpose that they purchase the building.

"It's lifted a weight off everybody, and we know now our dream can come true," she said.

"It's just fantastic, we're all very relieved. It means the world to our community."

The Community Charity Shop treasurer Colleen Yates said without their building on Angus Avenue, they would have nowhere left to go.

"There's no other places in town available, and nothing of this size. It's really the only shop that we could actually fit in," she said.

"My phone hasn't stopped ringing with congratulations from people. We're very thankful to the Mid-Western Council."

Councillor Peter Shelley raised the motion as urgent business without notice, and said the issue simply could not wait.

"They have worked hard in fundraising but time has caught up with them," he wrote on Facebook.

"$60,000 is a fair chunk of change but when you weigh it up against the benefits and support the Charity Shop gives back to our communities, I believe it is more than justified."

Over the past eight years, the Charity Shop has donated nearly half a million dollars to local groups3 .


1 Charity shop launches booklet during its first birthday. (2014, June 17). Mudgee Guardian (Australia). Available from NewsBank: Access Global NewsBank: https://infoweb-newsbank-com.ezproxy.sl.nsw.gov.au/apps/news/document-view?p=AWGLNB&docref=news/14E8860E053C31D8.
2 Birthday celebrations at the Kandos Community Charity Shop. (2016, June 13). Mudgee Guardian (Australia). Available from NewsBank: Access Australia: https://infoweb.newsbank.com/apps/news/document-view?p=AUNB&docref=news/15D8251516F3B798.
3 Zoumboulis, N. (2021, April 23). Nanas safe. Mudgee Guardian (Australia). Available from NewsBank: Access Global NewsBank: https://infoweb-newsbank-com.ezproxy.sl.nsw.gov.au/apps/news/document-view?p=AWGLNB&docref=news/18208D23876B1FC8.

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