
Kandos Post Office


19 January 1921
The post office has been renovated and now presents an improved appearance1 .

1 September 1926
(From Our Own Correspondent).
The new post office was officially opened today (Monday). Although there was no celebration of any kind, the general public and the Progress Association were invited by Inspector Nash, to attend at the new building on Saturday evening for the purpose of inspecting the interior. Inspector Nash explained the advantages of the telephone system, pigeon holes, strong room, also the extra wide counters which are constructed of Queenslund maple, and which preclude any danger of the till being rifled, the writing desks, etc. Somens sanitary system has been installed. Private letter boxes are now available to the public, and the mail matter so treated will be available at 7.45 a.m. Mr. Nash traced the history of the postal department in Kandos from the time when he prevailed upon Mr. J. T. Strong (storekeeper) to take charge of the postal arrangements, when Kandos had less than a hundred people resident in the town. He said he had every confidence in Kandos, and with the advent of Charbon, he felt sure that he would not regret recommending to the department the establishment of the present building. With the co-operation of an efficient staff and the public, the general needs should be met for many years to come2 .

1 Lithgow Mercury. ‘Kandos’. 19 January 1921. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article219253125.
2 Lithgow Mercury. ‘Kandos’. 1 September 1926. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article224589846.

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