
Kandos Red Cross Society


29 August 1918
Kandos Red Cross Society.
The President, Mr. Richards, a real enthusiastic Red Cross worker, and Miss Lloyd, secretary, and her committee are to be congratulated on the substantial support accorded to the Red Cross Fund, their final return being £13/12/61 .

19 September 1918
On Friday, September 13, a highly successful dance was held by the local Red Cross Society in the Angus Memorial Hall, over £16 being raised towards the funds of the Society after clearing expenses. To the casual visitor in Kandos it was an eye opener to see the brave array of fair faces and pretty dresses. There must have been fully 150 persons present, and at times the floor was almost uncomfortably crowded. We have no casualties to record, every dance was conducted with splendid order and decorum, and went off without a hitch. Mr. W. Keenan acted as M.C., and filled the bill well. The energetic and enthusiastic hon. secretary and treasurer, Miss A. M. Lloyd, officiated in the ticket office in conjunction with Mr. F. S. Richards, the President of the Society, and Mrs. Richards. The musical items were admirably rendered by Mr. Penny (cornet) and Mrs. Penny, Mrs. Peerman, Mrs. Service, Miss L. Conran, and Mr. C. Richards, of Rylstone. A choice assortment of refreshments was served during the interval by Mrs. F. S. Richards, Mrs. J. Lloyd, Misses A. M. Lloyd, O. George, C. Dawson, Mrs. A. Smith, and other helpers. There were visitors present from outlying centres, including (with others) Miss Noonan and Mr. R. Evans (Cudgegong), Messrs. A. Moore, R. Guthrie, H. Stackpole (Ilford), Miss Morrison (Narrango), are the Misses E. Dunn and Cooper (Rylstone. Practically every family in Kandos was represented in the assembly, which gathered not only to have a good time, but more particularly to honor and help the Red Cross Society, whose noble work commends it to all. The refreshments were contributed by members of the Society, and many of the dancers and visitors commented favorably on the richness and variety of the repast. The Kandos Red Cross Society is to be congratulated, not only upon the financial success of the dance, but also upon the highly efficient manner in which it was organised and conducted by its officers and helpers. Another dance will be held by the Society in the same hall on Friday, October 11, and we cannot wish it better luck than that it will be as great a success financially and socially as the last one2 .

1 Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative. ‘Kandos Red Cross Society.’ 29 August 1918. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article156990028.
2 Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative. ‘Kandos Red Cross Society’. 19 September 1918. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article156989009.

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