
Mudgee Moothi Estate

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Moothi Estate
85 Rocky Waterhole Road, Mudgee, NSW 2850 Region Mudgee T (02) 6372 2925 F (02) 9868 6017 www .moothiestate.com.au Open Fri– Mon 10– 5 Winemaker Michael Slater Est. 1995 Dozens 2000 Vyds 24 ha Phil and Susan Moore purchased a property on the northwest-facing slopes of Mt Frome, at an elevation of 550 m, in 1995. The site has reddish-brown clay with limestone, quartz and ironstone gibber soil, well suited to the cabernet sauvignon, shiraz, merlot, chardonnay, semillon, riesling, viognier and pinot gris established on the property. The names for the wines are derived from the Koori name for Mudgee, which is Moothi; ‘Moothi Mud’ is said to be local slang for Mudgee’s full-bodied reds1 .


1 Halliday, James. James Halliday Wine Companion 2012, Hardie Grant Books, 2011, p.1089. ProQuest Ebook Central, http://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/slnsw/detail.action?docID=787929. Created from slnsw on 2023-08-15 06:26:19

Page last modified on Tuesday 15 August, 2023 16:27:33 AEST
Category: Vineyards