
Mudgee Farmer's Daughter wines

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Farmer’s Daughter Wines
791 Ulan Road, Mudgee, NSW 2850 Region Mudgee T (02) 6373 3177 F (02) 6373 3759 farmersdaughterwines.com.au Open Mon– Fri 9– 5, Sat 10– 5, Sun 10– 4 Winemaker Greg Silkman, Liz Jackson Est. 1995 Dozens 10 000 Vyds 17.6 ha The intriguingly named Farmer’s Daughter Wines is a family-owned vineyard, named for the daughters of Lance and Gwen Smith, who originally planted grapes for sale, looking to retirement. Retirement, they say, has now become a 10-day week. Part of the production from the vineyard, planted to shiraz (8 ha), and cabernet sauvignon, merlot and chardonnay (3.2 ha each), is sold to other makers, the majority is made for the Farmer’s Daughter label. Exports to the US, Canada and Vietnam1 .



Halliday,James. James Halliday Wine Companion 2012, Hardie Grant Books, 2011, p. 608. ProQuest Ebook Central, http://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/slnsw/detail.action?docID=787929.
Created from slnsw on 2023-08-15 06:04:07.

Page last modified on Tuesday 15 August, 2023 16:05:34 AEST
Category: Vineyards