
Mudgee Martins Hill Wines

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Martins Hill Wines
1179 Castlereagh Highway, Mudgee, NSW 2850 Region Mudgee
T (02) 6373 1248 F (02) 6373 1248 martinshillwines.com.au Open Not
Winemaker Pieter Van Gent (Contract) Est. 1985 Cases 800 Vyds 4 ha
Janette Kenworthy and Michael Sweeny are both committed organic grapegrowers and are members of the Organic Vignerons Association. Their small operation is growing, with shiraz (2 ha), sauvignon blanc (1.5 ha), cabernet sauvignon (1 ha) and pinot noir (0.5 ha) in productions. The vineyard is carbon neutral, with solar electricity and plantings of native trees and shrubs. Organic vineyard tours and talks can be arranged by appointment1 .


1 Halliday, James. James Halliday Wine Companion 2011, Hardie Grant Books, 2010, p. 765. ProQuest Ebook Central, http://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/slnsw/detail.action?docID=699014. Created from slnsw on 2023-08-15 09:55:10

Page last modified on Tuesday 15 August, 2023 19:56:36 AEST
Category: Vineyards