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27 September 1905
The Rylstone School of Arts, considering that it has been in existence only four years, has made remarkable progress, and now has a membership of about 113. The initial meeting in connection with the establishment of the institution was held in May, 1901, the conveners being Messrs. H. R. Dalton, J. Brukarz, and D. F. Maguire. On June 20 of the same year the first committee was elected, and consisted of Messrs. R. M. Fitzgerald (patron), S. G. Benson (president), J. T. Cox, Jas. Thompson, D. M. M. Jones, Jas. Dawson, J. A. Puddicombe, and J. Brukaz (vice-presidents), H. R. Dalton (hon. treasurer), G. F. Maguire (hon. secretary), T. W. Taylor, M. W. Hayward, G. S. Hall, W. J. Puddicombe, John Dawson, G. W. Hardwick, F. Moriarty, L. D. Taylor, J. D. Reid, and R. T. Highfield. The present committee, elected in July last, consists of Messrs John Hurley (patron), S. G. Benson (president), C. E. Barnes, and J. Machin (vice-presidents) H. R. Dalton (hon. treasurer). L. O. Taylor (hon. secretary), Mrs. H. R. Dalton, Misses A. Kersley, Taylor, E. Hardwick, and Messrs. J. T. Elger, J. Copewell, J. M. Macdonald, C. H. Taylor, P. G. Hart, and the Rev. F. J. Harris. The institution is a distinctly progressive one, and although the School of Arts is at present conducted in rented premises, the committee hopes to have a suitable building on its own land in course of time1
28 February 1918
Rylstone School of Arts.
The new building in Lue Street, which has been built for the Rylstone School of Arts, is about completed, and will be formally taken over next week. The committee has decided to hold an opening function of a public nature to inaugurate its occupation. The building is, perhaps, considered by many inadequate, but there were many considerations before a decision to build had to be weighed, and though the new building is not what we could wish, still it is so positioned that additions can be made that will add to the aspect of the institution2
11 April 1918
Late Rylstone News.
Opening of the School of Arts.
The opening of the School of Arts new building will be held in the Institute at 4 o'clock on Saturday afternoon, the 13th instant, to which the public are invited. In the event of the members of the School of Arts and its committee and officials are to be congratulated on being able to celebrate the completion of a building, though not as pretentious as they could wish, still a very creditable start. The building is fine and roomy, being 30 x 20, with fine high walls, and furnished off with a cosy appearance. All are invited. It is a public welcome. There will be a varied programme. Afternoon tea will be served, to which the ladies interested are invited to cater. The programme will be extended, we understand, to a euchre tournament. We are indeed pleased to be able to extend our congratulations on the establishment of an institute that should prove itself a valuable addition to the School of Arts and a benefit to the town and district. We trust the public will show its appreciation by turning up to the opening and giving substantial evidence of their goodwill3