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Rylstone Doctors

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20 August 1897
Dr. Eaton has left Rylstone, it is said for New England. As a medical man the doctor was esteemed for his skill and professional suavity, The only medical man here now is Dr. Cobb1 .


20 August 1901
Dr. Lovegrove, who is a duly qualified medical practitioner, and comes from Petersham, has commenced practice amongst us. And the Druid's Lodge is likely to beam now that a resident doctor is in the town2 .


1 RYLSTONE. (1897, August 20). The Maitland Daily Mercury, p. 4. Retrieved February 18, 2024, from
2 RYLSTONE. (1901, August 22). The Maitland Daily Mercury, p. 4. Retrieved February 18, 2024, from

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Category: Rylstone