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Capertee Village

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Capertee Village map, Parish Bandamoa, County Roxburgh
Capertee Village map, Parish Bandamoa, County Roxburgh

Capertee (Co. Roxburgh) 33°09’S. 149°59’E., 23 km N. of Portland, on Turon Ck; Capertee Camp 1877-82; disc. 1821 by James Blackman, jun., settled by William Lee, estab. с.1870, laid out 1883 by Henry Augustus Crouch, village gaz. 1885, declined 1960s+; mining, farming, bees, grazing; airfield; Angl. C. (St Augustine’s) 1923, closed, sold; cemetery (205 graves 1900+) 1874, incl. columbarium; CH 1899, new one b. 1936 by Peter Beddie and J. W. Brown, closed and reused; dam; FB 1939; fire 1931; freezing works (estab. by O’Brien Bros, became Thomas Borthwick & Sons A’asia Ltd.) 1916; hailstorm 1883; PO 1875, new one 1913; PS 1882, new one (incl. lock-up) 1897, new one 1903, new one b. 1936 by Peter Beddie and J. W. Brown; railway dam 1913; railway tunnel, 191 yds (174.3 m), 1882; rifle range (2 km S.) 1906, repairs 1933; Rom. Cath. C. (St Jude’s) b. 1930 by Ernest Bartlett; RS 1882, station b. by William Cameron and John Briton, closed, restored; school 1882-89, reopened 1896, new one b. 1923 by N. R. Morris; telegraph 1882; TX 1917, automatic 1987; whooping cough epidemics 1901, 1919, 1931; pop. 160 (1901), 336 (1911), 230 (1933), 267 (1947), 240 (1954), 234 (1961), 371 (2011)1 .


6 June 1924
From Mount Victoria, along through Hartley, by way of the Pass, then on to Lithgow, through Capertee, and to Ilford, on the Mudgee route, the roads are good, very good for the most part. When you get to the hill overlooking the far-famed Capertee Valley, you must needs stop and gaze upon the wild grandeur of the whole scene, the shale cliffs, which fall sheer for many hundreds of feet, the blue of the mountains beyond, and the sky above, the ribbon-like tracks which open the way to The Crown, to Glen Alice, and away to the old established town of Rylstone. It is a vision of rugged beauty and magnificence which no photograph can fittingly reproduce. It has to be seen in all its wondrous loveliness on a clear day, and the memory of what is seen stretched out deep down and far away will never fade2 .


1 Simpson, Phillip. Historical Guide to New South Wales. North Melbourne, Vic: Australian Scholarly Publishing Pty Ltd, 2020, p. 148.
2 PEN PICTURES (1924, June 6). The Wingham Chronicle and Manning River Observer (NSW : 1898 - 1954), p. 3. Retrieved April 17, 2023, from

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