
Vulcan Colliery Co


7 December 1916

New Railway Yard.

A new railway yard has just been laid in at the Vulcan colliery, near Brogan's Creek, and the loading of coal will be commenced at once, as the company have about 1000 tons of coal at grass ready to be loaded.
The new loading loop has standing room for about 50 waggons. A further lot of extensions and improvements are to be made in the near future, and the company are now engaged erecting screens, laying down tramways, and making every preparation for a larger output. This is easily obtainable, as the coal seam is seven feet in thickness and is only about five chains distant from the railway line.
The main drive is now in over 500 feet, and the coal seam is of even thickness and good quality.
The -Vulcan Colliery Co. are now excavating a site at which to erect limekilns, and are laying a tram line down to a deposit of limestone, which is about half a mile distant, so that in about a month's time everything will be in full swing, and in the near future Vulcan will be one of the busiest centres on the Mudgee line. There will shortly be a number of men employed on the line. The general manager (Mr. Spencer Robinson) is still wanting more men for the mine1 .

1 Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative. ‘New Railway Yard.’ 7 December 1916. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article156894505.

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