The first load of new machinery for the find at Longmore's Reward, Dun Dun mine, situated midway between Hargraves and Hill End, was delivered at the site on Thursday. Several leases adjoining have been taken up, and prospecting has vigorously commenced. The country is practically unprospected1 .
To resume: From John Krohmann's claim, also at Hill End, Tambaroora, a cake of gold, the result of a single crushing of 16 tons of quartz, weighing 5612oz, and valued at £20,000, was obtained about the same time. This was shown at the Sydney International Exhibition, held at this period. From the mine owned by Beyers and Holtermann was obtained, some months later, a hundredweight of pure gold from 10 tons of "stuff," and from the same place was exhibited a slab of veined rock and geld, weighing 6½cwt, one-third of the total weight of which was estimated to consist of the precious metal. In 1873 the Mint returns for gold from 415 tons of veined rock from this particular mine totalled l6,280oz, of a value of £63,235. The whole of the region around Dun Dun is richly auriferous, as well as historically epoch-making. Hargraves, who pioneered and prospected the district in 1851, was rewarded in a princely manner by the various Australian Governments; while his fellow pioneers, Lister and the Toms, were neglected. A New South Wales Parliamentary Commission investigated their claims, and recommended an award, which was never endorsed by the Government. Lister had died before the award was pronounced2 .