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Clandulla (Co. Roxburgh) 32°55’S. 149°57’E., 6 km SW of Kandos; Ilford Railway Station till 1900, Mornington till 1903, Carwell till 1905; mining (oil-shale disc. 1865 by Moore and Stuart); grazing; bridge over Carwell Ck; bushfires 1990 and 2009; cemetery; FB; mine (Mornington Pty Oil Co.) 1900, incl. retort (Clyde Engineering Co. Ltd) 1901; PO 1902; quarry; RS (Ilford till 1900, Mornington till 1903, Carwell till 1905) 1884, station b. by Alexander Hamilton Scouller, closed 1985; school 1882-85 and 1929-78; telephone 1905; TX 1920, automatic 1978; water supply augmentation 1987; pop. 58 (1911), 158 (1933), 174 (1947), 188 (1954), 205 (1961), 367 (2006), 211 (2011)1
29 July 1922
Negotiating a very steep hill, the railway is struck and a bit of undulating country on which some new settlers were doing some house building and clearing, and a mile further on a village, Claudulla Clandulla, is reached. There are big sawmills located there and at one time a great deal of sawn timber was sent away, but the continued raid on the forest has had its day and timber trees are beginning to get scarce and have now to be brought a long distance. Gum, ironbark and stringy bark are mostly sawn there. It is a busy place, although not half as busy as a couple of years back so I was told. There is a good railway station, but like many small places where sawmills are the chief wealth, Claudulla Clandulla days have been at its best. Leaving the village whose people are kind and hospitable, I make toward Ilford2