Places »  Localities »  Charbon

Charbon Village

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Charbon Subdivision Plans 1927
Charbon Subdivision Plans 1927

Charbon (Co. Roxburgh) 32°53’S. 149°58’E., 3 km S. of Kandos; estab. 1928; aerial cableway; bushfire 1990; cement works (Standard Cement Co.) 1926, strike 1929; coalmines: Centennial Coal Co. Ltd. And Kandos-Coomber Mining Co. Pty. Ltd; PO 1927 burnt down and replaced 1929; quarry; RS 1927-74; sawmill (Jack Grady); school 1928 b. by M. Johnston, closed 1972; telephone 1926; water augmentation 1955; pop. 336 (1933), 190 (1947), 293 (1954), 341 (1961), 226 (1971), 145 (2006), 231 (2011)1 .


1 Simpson, Phillip. Historical Guide to New South Wales. North Melbourne, Vic: Australian Scholarly Publishing Pty Ltd, 2020, p. 165.



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