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Other name: * also spelt Burrendulla
County name: Wellington
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Operating dates:
Type of school Opening date Closing date
Public School Sep 1859 Jul 1863
Public School 1867 Mar 19541
8 May 1878 John Irving Clarke was appointed teacher of Burrunbulla Public School2 .
16 October 1879 John Irving Clarke was removed from Burrundulla to Spring Flat.
Mrs Anna Rothe Appointed
On 22 June 1880 Mrs Anna Rothe was appointed teacher at Burrundulla Public School3
12 May 1899
Burrundulla Public School.
The Burrundulla Public School is making great progress under Mr. England, and has now been raised to the 7th class. There are 60 names on the roll, and last week when Mr. Rooney inspected the school there was an attendance of 50. Mr. Rooney congratulated. Mr. England and his pupils upon the excellent results they had shown, and said that he had given the school the best report he had ever given a school of the same class and added that there was not a dull scholar in the school4
6 April 1900
Burundulla Public School.
The postponed distribution of prizes at the Burrundulla Public School will take place to-morrow (Friday) evening, when the Hon. G. H. Cox will preside. Subscribers to the prize fund and those who have received invitations are requested to make a note of this. Mr. Richards, M.P., has promised to attend5
8 April 1900
Burrundulla Public School.
The writer recently passed the Burrundulla Public School, and must congratulate Mr. England on the healthy appearance and robust growth of the young pine trees. They are probably some supplied from the state nursery, and if so they are a great deal better looked after than most of the trees sent out from that source. The whole surroundings of the Burrundulla school are very neat and well kept6
13 December 1900
Burrundulla Public School
Entertainment and Distribution of Prizes
A Successful Gathering.
The annual entertainment in connection with Burrundulla Public school is always a big success, but this year's, which was held on Friday evening last, is described as even more successful than that of any preceding year. The function took place in a large pavilion that had been erected in front of the weather shed, which did duty as a platform. There was a very large attendance of parents and friends from all the adjacent localities, and a large number of Mudgeeites took advantage of the beautiful night to drive out. The Hon. G. H. Cox, M.L.C., occupied the chair, and amongst others present were Mr. E. Richards, M.L.A., Archdeacon Campbell, Rev. J. B. Penman, Mr. W. Kellett (chairman of the School Board), Mr. A. Cox (Woorooga), Mr. G. Ryan and Mr. J. Croan, teachers of Stoney Creek and Frome's Creek, respectively. Apologies were read from Mr. Inspector Rooney, Rev. J. H. Lewin, and Messrs. A. F. Cameron and J. H. McEwen. A most elaborate programme had been prepared, and consisted of items from a number of Mudgee vocalists, and songs, recitations, dialogues and displays by the schoolchildren. With regard to the children it may be said that they gave evidence of the most perfect training. The various displays were gone through without a hitch, and one in particular, "The Federal Flag Drill," may deservingly be described as an artistic triumph. The girls were attired in white, and wore sashes of red, white and blue ribbons. In a word, Mr. and Mrs. England are deserving of the highest measure of praise for the careful training the children must have undergone as evidenced by their faultless contributions to the entertainment. It is evident that Mr. England has complete control of his school, and that without using harsh measures. The discipline of the children throughout the entertainment was very noticeable, and the report as read by Mr. England at one stage of the evening showed that in the matter of advancement in learning Burrundulla school occupies an exalted position. And Mr. England has the goodwill of his pupils, for during the evening Archdeacon Campbell, on behalf of the children, presented Mr. and Mrs. England with a silver pickle cruet as a token of regard. By the way, there are a couple of budding orators in Burrundulla school. At the commencement of the entertainment a boy and a girl each gave a little address by way of thanks to those who had contributed to the prize fund. Taken all through the entertainment was a complete success. Miss Purvis and Miss Franca were the accompanists. The programme was as follows:-
Piano Selection...Miss Franca
Song..."Ring the Bell Watchman," School Pupils
Recitation..,"Here she Goes and there She Goes"Willie Paine
Song..."Where do Fairies Dwell," School Girls
Recitation..."The Psalm of Life," Florence Marks
Song... "Merry School Girls," Elsie Marks and Hilda Sawyers
Recitation..."Grandpapa's Spectacles," Joseph Shields.
Song..."Dame Trot," Ilma Mogg Display ... "Dumb Bells," Infant Classes
Dialogue.."Sam Weller Number 2," Charles Pye, Willie Paine, and Willie Marks
Song. .."Summer," Junior Girls
Recitation..."The Old Man of the Wood," Ilma Mogg
Song.. ."Far Away," Miss Spies
Display..."Hoop Girls," Girls
Pianoforte Duet. ..Miss Purvis and Miss Mills
Dialogue ..."The Disinfectant Door Man, Norman Mogg and Charlie Pye
Song..."I Can't Think of Nothing Else but you Lulu'' Miss Carden
Recitation. .."The Bird's Nest," Muriel Woolley
Song..."Slightly Row," School Children
Display ... "Dumb Bells," Senior Pupils
Song..."Dollie," Junior Girls
Recitation..."The Kiss in School" Nellie Paine
Song ... " Whispering Hope," Senior Girls
Display..."Australian Federal Flag Drill," Girls
Song..."Three Cheers for the Red, White, and Blue," Mr. McKay
Address by the teacher....Mr. England
Comic Song..."It Must have been the Lobster," Mr. G. Randell
Duet..."Summer and Spring," Miss Spies.
Comic Song... "Oh, what a Day," Mr. E. Doswell
Display... "May Pole," Girls
Song...''Good Night," School Children
During the evening the Hon. G. H. Cox distributed the prizes as under:-
Lower Division: Vere Burwood, George Walters, Ray Buckman, Edward Marks, Roy Marks, Valie Marks, John Fittler, Willie Watts, Charles England, Percy Sharpe, Joseph Shields, Jack Birtles.
Upper Division: Louis Riley, George Murray, Leonard Sawyers, Charles Fittler.
Lower Division: Eva Sawyers, Dorothy Gillam, Dorothy Marks, Grace Marks, Hilda Marks, Alice Fittler, Violet Rope, Thelma Brown, Essie Mogg
Upper Division: Laura Buckman Hilda Mogg, Muriel Woolley, Elsie Marks, Hilda Sawyers, Crissie Thompson, Florence Fitzpatrick
Roy Burwood
Marian Woolley, Henrietta Rope, Myrl Burwood, Alma Rope, Gentilla Shields. Upper Division: Linda Mogg, Mary Riley, Harriet Woolley, Ethel Murray, Ada Gillam, Maud Marks, Daisy Prior.
George Mogg, Sidney Mogg, Ernest Gillam, Willie Marks, Willie Paine, Vere Sharpe, Edward Rope, Albert Shields.
Ina Brown, Lily Buckman, Minnie Marks, Ilma Mogg, Lottie Thompson, Maggie Fittler.
Charles Pye, Charles McPhee, Fleming Mogg, Norman Mogg, George Thompson.
Edith Woolley, Elsie Brown, Florence Marks, Martha Woolley, Linda Brown, Ellen Buckman, Adela Muller.
Special prizes for needlework, given by Mrs. F. S. Cox, Wallinga (first prizes); and Mr. George Marks (second prizes).
First Division: Muriel Woolley 1, Hilda Mogg 2.
Second Division: Linda Mogg 1, Maud Marks 2.
Third Division: Ada Gillam 1, Ethel Murray 2.
Fourth Division: Linda Brown 1, Lottie Thompson 2.
Fifth Division: Ina Brown 1, Maggie Fittler 2.
Special prize given by teacher for the best worker: Florence Marks.
After the entertainment a few of the friends of the teacher spent a very pleasant couple of hours with music and games, while an excellent supply of refreshments were provided by Mesdames England, Page, F. Mogg, and Misses McPhee and Woolley7
15 August 1901
Burrundulla Public School.
A concert will be held at the Burrundulla school on Friday 27th September, to form a fund for the purchase of a piano for the school. No doubt a piano would prove a source of much enjoyment, and- as everything in connection with the school is always enjoyable, we predict a big gathering and therefore a financial success8
5 February 1905 Mr W England, Burrundulla, member Public Service Association9 .
3 April 1922
After 26 years in charge of the Burrundulla Public School, Mr. W. England bade good-bye to the school on Friday, having reached the retiring age. In Mr. England, Mudgee and district will lose a good citizen, who took an active interest in the public life of the place. He was a valued member of the Mudgee Agricultural Society. Mr. England will in future reside in Sydney. Visiting Mr. England at the present time is his son Cecil, who is employed at the Treasury Office in Sydney. His old associates are glad to see Cecil once more and to find him looking well10 .
7 April 1972
SATURDAY, 22nd APRI, 1972
(A/c G. C. and W. K. Cox)
The School and Residence, over 90 years old. Is situated 4 miles east of MUDGEE on all-weather road. The buildings are contained In TWO ACRES of ground. The brick residence Is sound and Includes 3 bedrooms, etc., marble fireplaces. THIS HISTORIC SCHOOL AND RESIDENCE COMMANDS BEAUTIFUL VIEWS OF THE MUDGEE VALLEY. NOTE: Inspection by appointment only with the Selling Agents: ELDER SMITH GOLDSBROUGH MORT LTD., MUDSEE ( 21444). WINCHCOMBE CARSON LTD., MUDGEE (21160)11