
Goolma School of Arts


30 December 1909
(From our own Correspondent).
Things from both a pastoralist and agricultural point of view present a very brilliant aspect. The land holders had an excellent clip of wool, and the prices realised for same very satisfactory, and the stock generally are in the pink of condition. The wheat crops that have already been stripped are averaging from 7 to 8 bags per acre, which is considered very good; and with the prices ruling at the present juncture, the future prospects of the farmers in this district are particularly bright.
There is a vast difference between this season and the corresponding season of last year, when the prospects of all were dark and gloomy.
Mining is absolutely as dead hereabouts as "Julius Caesar's" ghost.
Buildings: - Considerable improvements have been made to the R.C. Church, a new sanctuary has been added and spouting put round, and a water tank and two lavatories, one for ladies and the other for gents, and the building has been painted throughout, and the workmanship reflects credit on the contractors, Messrs. Quinn (builder), and Watson (painter).
Slight improvements have been effected at the Church of England by Mr. Quinn. The church decided to have a villilator erected, which has in a great measure made the atmosphere of the interior of the building endurable in sultry weather.
The ground has been surveyed here for the purpose of erecting a school of arts; the Government having promised to subsidise pound for pound of the money collected for same.
During the year considerable improvements have been made to the roads here about, thanks to our councillors, Messrs. Ryan and Lowe.
Mrs. M. Falconer senr., and daughter, old residents of this place and now of Dubbo, are here at present on an extended visit to their numerous friends.
Mrs. C. M. Ryan's hotel is stocked with an excellent supply of beverages to suit all tastes at this season of the year.
Weather: - We are experiencing delectable weather at the present time, and should it continue so the festival season will be an enjoyable one.
The farmers at present are all bustle and bustle to try and gather in the golden grain ere the new year is ushered in, and nothing can be heard but the constant buzzing of harvester and strip per. As a fellow goes cycling through the neighborhood it is something grand to view the large stacks and sheds of am desirous of meeting your Dapper farmer assured me that he obtained more hay off a few acres of lucerne this year than he had off about four hundred acres last year.
The maize crops are looking magnificent, and there should be some good results if they are served with adequate rains.
Messrs. J. Broome and J. Hugg have gone into partnership, and have set down an orchard and vegetable garden, from Midway between nowhere on the people in that particular line. I am desirous of meeting your dapper from midway between nowhere on scribe, also, your knight of the quill Xmas day at Diehm's Crossing, Lamb ing Hill, where we can have a friendly chat, and a delicious tot of Adam's ale out of that beautiful flowing rill, Nuff Sed.
Xmas day must be something wonderful, judging by the way that the housewives are fattening the turkeys, suckling pigs, and fowls, for the feast on that day.
Everything in the way of sport here at the present juncture is absolutely dead.
There will be a race meeting held here early next year, then Goolma will be looking her old self again. I will conclude my budget by wishing your readers, proprietors and staff the compliments of the season1 .


30 July 1914
Tenders are invited for the erection of a new School of Arts Building at Goolma. Plans and specification may be seen at Goolma, and full particulars may be had on application to the secretary2 .


1 March 1915
A day's sport was held on the racecourse and recreation ground on Friday last, 26th February, in aid of the new School of Arts and hall, just completed, and to celebrate the opening of the new buildings. The sports were not largely attended, due possibly to the fact that the present appears to be a busy time with the surrounding farmers. Mr. F. Ryan had the management of the sports, and was aided by a strong committee. All kinds of amusements were provided for young and old, and a very pleasant day was spent by those present, including a fair number of visitors from Mudgee and Gulgong. Mr. Nairn, of the Goolma Hotel, had the liquor booth.
Appended are the results of the sporting events:-
Foot race, boys under 10. - Denis Ryan.
Foot race, girls under 10. - Phyllis Finucane.
Throwing at Wicket. - A. Skinner.
Boys Under 16. - R. Finucane.
Girls under 16. - D. Finucane.
Tilting the Ring: - H. Rose.
Cigarette race. - W. Rush.
Stepping 100 yards. - E. Anthony.
Flag race. - A. Ryan.
Envelope race. - H. Shearman.
Sheffield Handicap. - A. Ryan
The official opening of the new School of Arts buildings took place at night, prior to the ball arranged to take place in the new hall attached. Mr. W. Dunn, State member for the district, performed the opening ceremony, and in declaring the buildings open, congratulated the committee on having erected such a fine large hall in connection with their School of Arts. He urged the district farmers to make use of the hall by obtaining from the Agricultural Department the services of a qualified lecturer to visit Goolma periodically, so that they could ascertain thus the latest modern farming methods, which made farming pay. In conclusion, Mr. Dunn said he was not able to visit this centre of his electorate as often as he would like, but hoped in the near future to meet them all again in the new hall.
Dancing was then indulged in till morning light appeared. About thirty couples attended. Mr. W. Harvey performed the duties of M.C., while Miss Norris supplied the music3 .


1 GOOLMA. (1909, December 30). Wellington Times (NSW : 1899 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved January 31, 2024, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article141510325
2 GOOLMA SCHOOL OF ARTS. (1914, July 30). Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954), p. 23. Retrieved January 31, 2024, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article156833113
3 SPORTS AT GOOLMA (1915, March 1). Wellington Times (NSW : 1899 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved January 31, 2024, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article143395817

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