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23 September 1899
Mudgee is a great wheatgrowing district, and the outlook, after the rainfall in August, the record being about three inches, from a crop-growing standpoint, is all that could be desired. In fact, generally speaking, the pastoral and farming industry looks bright. The supply of grass is plentiful and the lambing record is good. This, with the high price of wool, and the increased value of stock, should place our pastoral industry on a better footing than for years past. The dairy farmers are also looking forward to a big year. Last year in the Mudgee portion of the district 15,533 acres were under cultivation. The total area under wheat for gram was 7786 acres, and the yield 140,148 bushels. 767 acres were sown to hay, the yield being 950 tons. The statistics do not include the outside centres of Capertee, Ilford, Wollah, Windeyer, Hargraves and Gulgong1 .


1 MUDGEE AND THE DISTRICT. (1899, September 23). Freeman's Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1932), p. 13. Retrieved March 18, 2024, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article111077323

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Category: Cropping