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20 October 1932
Rylstone Shire Council
Noxious Weeds A letter was received from Mr. Oliver, of the local branch of the Grazier' Association, Glen Alice, drawing attention to the spread of stinkwort and asking for It to be declared a noxious weed. - Council decided to advertise this weed as noxious weed1
17 April 1935
Rylstone Fighting Both
RYLSTONE. Wednesday. - Rylstone Shire Council has issued notices to all country landholders to proceed immediately with the destruction of noxious weeds on their properties. One grazier, who had been served with a notice, has spent, during the last few months, about £160 on the eradication of stinkwort. His property, when he first took It over, was practically overrun, but if It is not cleared immediately, he is liable to a fine of £20 for every week that the weed remains on his property. Councillor Taylor was of the opinion that it was an injustice to penalise this man further. Council decided to purchase a flame-thrower for the purpose of burning out the weed2