14 February 1901
Splendid Town Property
For Sale by Auction.
At Our Rooms, Perry-street.
MARCH 5th, at 2.30 p.m.
Stewart & Smith
HAVE received instructions from Mrs. Amelia Goodridge to sell by auction, at their Rooms, Perry-street, on TUESDAY, March 5th, at 2.30 p.m., That splendid property in Perry street, being allotment 5 of section 26, town of Mudgee, containing an area of 1/2 acre of land, 1 chain frontage to Perry-street, by 5 chains back, nearly opposite the Public School and also the Mechanics' Institute, on which is erected a 16-roomed brick house, kitchen, wash-house, harness-room, buggy shed, stable (with 6 stalls and loft), and usual out houses. The main part of the building is covered with iron, the remainder shingles. We strongly recommend this property to anyone in search of a first-class Boarding House or private residence.
ALSO, On account of same owner, and time and place, Part of allotment No. 11, of section 26, town of Mudgee, containing an area of 1/4 acre of land, opposite Public School, and having a frontage to Perry-street and Denison street. This is a corner allotment, and opposite Victoria Park and Public School. Inspection invited1
Mrs Goodridge was operating here as Goodridges Boarding House2 .