2 September 1909
Messrs. H. E. A. Wells and Co. report having sold on account of Mr. John Welby, 120 acres of conditionally purchased land at Stoney Creek Post Office and buildings, to Mr. John Ellis, of Redbank. Also shop and dwelling in Lewis Street to Miss Mary Donnelly for £200. Allotment fronting goods station, Mudgee, to Mr. Alexander Nealy, for £31; allotment fronting goods station, for £15, to Mr. Tubbenhaur; farm at Stoney Creek, 160 acres freehold c.p., to Mrs. Maria Ellis, for £350; land and buildings at West End, Mudgee, to Miss Norberry, at a satisfactory price, and several farms and allotments in Mudgee and Gulgong to various purchasers now awaiting completion1
13 September 1909 William Priddis of Cudgebegong, grazier, sold Part Allotment 8 Section 16 Lewis Street to Mary Donnelly of Mudgee, spinster for £1502