6 January 1955
Property Auction Sale
Saturday, 8th January, commencing at 2 p.m. Postponed.
The Auction Sale on the Ground of the Property known as “McGuiness’ Farm,” Fromes Creek, Account MR. MARIO ABBIEZZI, has been postponed to a date to be announced later. The Auction Sale of Plant, Equipment and Furniture and Sundries advertised to be held on the same date will be proceeded with as previously announced, but the Howard Rotary Hoe and Tractor have been withdrawn from the sale.
The lots to be offered now comprise:-
Rega Spray Flame Thrower, 200 Bricks, 1 Grease Gun, Pea Rifle, 2 Step Ladders, 1 Drum Power Kerosene, Axe, 1 3,000 gal. Tank new, 1 800 gal. Tank new, 2 Coils Wire Netting, 1 Coil Fencing Wire, 6 lengths new Guttering, 12 Steel Posts, 2 bags Cement, Farm Tools, Fowl Feed and Sundries.
2 Beds and Mattresses, Sideboard, 2 Tables, 4 Chairs, 1 Tall-Boy, Silent Knight Kerosene Refrigerator, Singer Sewing Machine, Spot Light, Kitchen Utensils, 2 Cupboards, Raincoat, Bath, 2 Chip Heaters, Bucket, Kettle, Toaster, 2 Chicken Brooder Hoods, Coir Matting, 2 Tubs, Clothes Basket, Stove, Petrol Iron, Sundries.
About 100 sheets of 6 x 3 Flat Gal. Iron. New condition.
Mara Bros.
Licensed Auctioneers - Mudgee.
For Private Sale.
Immediate Delivery Mudgee -
3 Miles New Galvanised Telephone Wire.
Apply:- Mara Bros. - - Mudgee. ‘Phone Mudgee 3111