School name: Cudgegong
Other name: -
County name: Wellington
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Operating dates:
Type of school Opening date Closing date Half-time partner schools
Public School Oct 1868 Dec 1925
Half-Time School Jan 1926 May 1930 WARRANGUNYAH
Provisional School May 1930 Jul 1940
Provisional School Jun 1946 Nov 1957
Public School Nov 1957 May 19701
1880 John Hoare Carden Appointed
On 22 June 1880, Mr John Hoare Carden was appointed teacher at Cudgegong Public School2 .
29 January 1914
Qualifying Certificates.
Results of December Examinations
Names of Successful District Candidates.
We print today a list of the successful candidates who sat for the qualifying certificate examination in this and adjoining districts. All the candidates took the same examination papers as the city boys and girls. Under the Bursaries Endowment Act., the bursaries allotted by the board are divided in the ratio of school population. This works out, so that one-third of the Bursaries are given to candidates from Sydney and suburbs, and two-thirds of the bursaries go to the country districts. These bursaries and scholarships are tenable at the country high schools or the district schools, but the names of the successful bursars and scholars will not be available until next week.
Cudgegong - Herbert T. Hardy3
30 January 1922
Qualifying Certificate Examinations.
The following conclude the list of passes:-
Cudgegong - Arthur James Connell4
9 October 1922
Mi. W. F. Dunn. has received the following communication from the Education Department: - With reference to your representations in relation to the supply of a pump for the underground tank at the public school at Cudgegong. I have to inform you that approval has now been given for the supply of same, and instructions have been issued to the departmental day labor staff. Your correspondent in the matter is Mr. T. Tennings, shire president. Cudgegong5