Other name: * Menah until 1941
County name: Wellington
Location note:
URL for linking: https://nswgovschoolhistory.cese.nsw.gov.au/schoolHistory?schoolId=8436
Operating dates:
Type of school Opening date Closing date
Public School Jul 1883 Dec 1933
Provisional School Oct 1939 May 19441
22 June 1880
Mr William Kensett was appointed teacher at Wilbertree Public School2
26 May 1890
Tenders for repairs and painting the Wilbetree Public School will be received by the department up to the 4th June. Plans and specifications can be seen at the school, Wilbetree3
5 February 1905
Mr. H. F. McHugh, Wilbetree, member Public Service Association4
4 March 1909
A Kerr's Creek correspondent writes as follows: - We are gradually losing all our old residents. Mr. Bronger has been promoted to take charge of the Wilbetree public school, on the Mudgee side. A few friends decided to have the last night with Mr. Bronger on Kerr's Creek, and to give him some little reminder of his long residence here. At the invitation of Mr. and Mrs. Dellow and friends they all met on Saturday evening, Feb. 20th. During the evening Mr. Bronger was presented, on behalf of his late pupils, with a silver match box, and Mr. and Mrs. Bronger, on behalf of some of their friends, with a silver cake basket and pickle jar. The notice was so short that many had not the opportunity of joining in the farewell. We wish them a safe journey and a happy home5
4 February 1935
Deep sorrow has come over a very respected family and a large circle of close friends through the death of Mr. W. Kensett, who for 16 years had been master of the Wilbetree Public School6