
History: Welshville School

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School name: Welshville
Other name: -
County name: Phillip
URL for linking: https://nswgovschoolhistory.cese.nsw.gov.au/schoolHistory?schoolId=8330
Operating dates:
Type of school Opening date Closing date
Provisional School Jan 1922 Dec 1926
Public School Jan 1927 Aug 19381

Welshville School site Portion 371 Parish Bayly County Phillip
Welshville School site Portion 371 Parish Bayly County Phillip


31 May 1923
Empire Day this year was celebrated at Welshville school in a manner most fitting to the occasion. Parents, visitors, and children made the celebration memorable and impressive. The early morning session was devoted to an explanation of Empire Day, and addresses on Empire ideals, and "The Flag" and its uses, "Empire Builders," and patriotic readings by the pupils, this was followed by the rendition of concert items, patriotic songs, and recitations by the children. These were received with pleasure by the assembled parents and friends. Their Majestys' addresses to the children of the Empire were read by the teacher.
A splendid luncheon prepared by the parents, was then partaken of, and the afternoon was devoted to children's sport.
Each child received a bag of lollies in addition to other prizes. The day was essentially a children's day, and their enjoyment was very evident.
The number of parents and visitors present, notwithstanding the gruelling season, shows that they have the welfare of the school at heart.
At the close of the day, the children and their parents gave three hearty cheers for Mr. and Mrs. Welsh, their respected teachers, and the Welshville school2 .


5 February 1925
Transferred to Cobbora. -
Mr. M. J. Walsh, teacher at the Welshville School, Stony Creek, has gone to Cobbora to take charge of the school there. He is a son of Mr, and Mrs. W. Walsh of Monavaie, Lue. The parents and citizens of Cobbora will find Mr. and Mrs. Walsh very useful citizens3 .


18 November 1926
Local News.
Welshville School Residence.
The Hon W. F. Dunn, M.L.A. recently made representations to the Minister for Education urging that the erection of a residence at Welshville public school be proceeded with immediately, and has just received a reply from Mr. Mutch to the effect that he has accepted the tender submitted by Mr. G. L. Meakin, of Auburn, for the carrying of this work4 .


16 November 1933
Concert and Dance at Cooyal
Talented Performers
(By a Correspondent).
A CROWDED house - packed to the doors - gladdened the hearts of the promoters of the Welshville public school concert at Cooyal on Saturday night last. It was the second largest crowd ever seen at the hall, the opening function holding pride of place. And patrons spent a wonderful time, as the programmme rendered by the talented pupils and four gentlemen from Mudgee was really delightful.
Mention had been made in the press that Mr. Hawkin's pupils would not discredit him, and they certainly did not. All excelled themselves and their effort - the first - was a distinct triumph for their worthy teacher.
At this Stage it may be mentioned that the Welshville Parents and Citizens' Association, the promoters of the function, is exceedingly grateful to Messrs. C. Wilton, J. Pirie, Jnr., C. Pack, and C. Frazer, of Mudgee, who kindly came along and by their singing and playing, not forgetting their agreeableness and good humor, helped to make the night a real success, both financially and socially. It was greatly regretted by everyone present that Mr. J. Pirie, sen., found it impossible to take part in the concert, the dentist settling that matter by extracting several of his teeth. Mr. Pirie, however, informed the writer that he will keep faith with the Cooyal people at a later date, and will, at least, sing three or four of the songs promised.
Mr. C. Wilton, Mudgee's accomplished pianist, acted as accompanist for Messrs. Pirie, Pack and Fraser. Each singer soon found himself at home with the Cooyal audience, and all were encored over and over again.
Miss Kath Lynch, a pianiste of high order and a pupil of Mr. Hawkin, acted as accompanist for the school pupils.
It would hardly be fair to select one or two of the children for special mention where each played his or her part so well, but I feel sure no one will begrudge just an extra word of praise to Miss Joyce for her singing and to Masters Dan and Keith Kurtz for violin selections.
The musical programme was favorably commented upon by all. It was really excellent, and every credit is due to Mr. Hawkin, the children's tutor.
At the conclusion of the concert, Mr. Eric Pye, on behalf of the Welshville Parents and Citizens' Association, congratulated Mr. Hawkin and his pupils on their wonderfully well performed programme. He also thanked the Mudgee artists who had travelled such a distance, and whose items were so much appreciated. To the visitors from Botobolar, Bara, Budgee, Stony Creek, Cooyal, Moolarben and Mudgee he extended thanks. Mr. Pye concluded his remarks, by making feeling reference to Armistice Day and the gallant deeds of Australian manhood accomplished at the time. He asked the audience to stand for a few moments out of respect for the brave men who fell in battle, and the request was readily acceded to. The singing of "God save the King" concluded a wonderful concert.
The dance which followed was thoroughly enjoyed, and was marked by good humor and good conduct. Mr. Hawkin's orchestra supplied delightful music, and much appreciated assistance was remitted by Mr. Lynn, a violinist of the highest standard, and Miss Mavis Warner.
The concert programme is as follows:-
National Anthem and Overture, "Britannia," School Orchestra; song, "Red Roses," Miss Joyce Ellis; chorus songs, "Sweet and Low" (with string accompaniment) and "The Happy Farmer," school pupils; violin solos, "Barcarolle," from "Tales of Hoffman," and "Gavotte Mignon," Master G. Hawkin and Mr. A. Hawkin; songs, "Two Eyes of Grey" "Mother Machree," J. Price. Jun.; chorus, "A Slumber Song" and "Hitch your Waggon to a Sunbeam," school pupils; march, "A Village Procession," school orchestra; songs, "Why Shouldn't I?" and "Jack's at Home at Sea," C. Pack; violin solo, "In the Shadow," Master Don Kurtz; novelty chorus, "The Chinaman," school pupils; recitation; "A German Lament," Master O. Warner; duet, "Excelsior," Mr. C. Fraser and C. Pack; "Lullaby Low," school pupils; songs, J. Pirie, Jnr.; violin solo, "Londonderry Air," Master Keith Kurtz; novelty march, "Mississippi Volunteers," school orchestra; songs, C. Pack; trio, "Russian Lullaby," Miss U. Kurtz, Master N. Kurtz, Mr. A. Hawkin, violin and two mandolins; "Farewell to Thee," Miss Joyce Ellis; "Leave Me With a Smile," school pupils; "Sergeant-Major on Parade," C. Fraser5 .


3 May 1934
Mr. J. P. Hayes
THE death occurred on 24th April of John Peter Hayes, of Katoomba. Deceased is survived by his widow and a grown up family of one son and four daughters, one of whom is the wife of Mr. M. J. Walsh, formerly school teacher of Welshville and Cobbora Public Schools, and now in charge of Burraga in the Bathurst district.
Deceased was a member of the Hayes family, pioneers of the Burragorang Valley, now famous as a tourist centre6 .


5 September 1938

Mainly about People
MR. W. H. Gibson, teacher-in-charge of the Welshville school for the past thirteen years, has received notice of his transfer to Brown's Creek, near Blayney7 .


27 March 1941
Mr. Dunn's Activities
Official Correspondence
CAPTAIN Dunn, M.L.A., forwards us the following official correspondence;
Dear Sir,- I refer to your personal representations on behalf of Mr. E. J. Babbage, of Stony Creek, Mudgee, relative to the transfer of the Welshville School building to Gulgong to meet accommodation requirements at that centre.
By direction of the Hon. D. H. Drummond, M.L.A., Minister for Education, I have to advise you that this issue has been carefully reviewed and investigated. It has been ascertained that there would not be sufficient children for some years at least to justify the re-opening of this school at Welshville. It has been decided, therefore, to proceed with the transfer of the building to Gulgong.
I might add that in the event of a school being needed at Welshville at any future time, the Department will carefully consider the representations made by the parents.- J. H. OSBORNE, for Director of Education8 .

3 April 1941
School Building for Removal to Gulgong
THE Hon. W. F. Dunn. M.L.A., has been informed by the Director of Education, in reference to the transfer of the Welshville School building to Gulgong, that the removal was to be proceeded with. However, it was intimated that should Welshville warrant a school at any future time it would be carefully considered9 .

17 April 1941

Telling You Briefly
A start was made last week on the re-erection in Gulgong Public School grounds of the school building formerly situated at Welshville10 .


6 July 1942
WELSHVILLE School Residence, weatherboard cottage, iron roof, containing 5 rooms, kitchen, bathroom, pantry, laundry, front and side verandahs. Rent 12/6 per week plus rates. Apply Resumed Properties Department, 16-18 Grosvenor Street, Sydney11 .


1 Secretary. ‘School History Database Search’. NSW Department of Education, 29 January 2020. https://education.nsw.gov.au/about-us/our-people-and-structure/history-of-government-schools/school-database-search.html.
2 EMPIRE DAY AT WELSHVILLE (STONY CREEK). (1923, May 31). Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954), p. 26. Retrieved March 26, 2023, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article155625305
3 Kate Howard Dramatic Co (1925, February 5). Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954), p. 20. Retrieved March 26, 2023, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article15593416
4 Local news. (1926, November 18). Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954), p. 16. Retrieved March 26, 2023, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article155941585
5 RECORD SUCCESS (1933, November 16). Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954), p. 14. Retrieved March 26, 2023, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article161902820
6 Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 3 May 1934, p. 6.
7 Mudgee Guardian, Monday 5 September 1938, p. 2. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article161938542
8 Mr. Dunn's, Activities (1941, March 27). Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved March 26, 2023, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article162213202
9 Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 3 April 1941, p. 8. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article162215972
10 Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 17 April 1941, p. 8. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article162204646
11 Advertising (1942, July 6). Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved March 26, 2023, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article156412905


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